Thursday February 6, 2020
83 Loads
3x3 38980 135.00
3x3 2000 120.00 2nd
3x3 54120 85.00 1st
3x4 55140 115.00
lgrd 61260 165.00 3rd
lgrd 56680 157.50 3rd
lgrd 47400 155.00 2nd
lgrd 19520 152.50 3rd
lgrd 50980 150.00 3rd
lgrd 54520 150.00 3rd
lgrd 51000 150.00 3rd
lgrd 50400 135.00 2nd
lgrd 53320 135.00
lgrd 44900 132.50 3rd
lgrd 47420 132.50
lgrd 47500 130.00 2nd
lgrd 36000 130.00 3rd
lgrd 35290 127.50
lgrd 60240 127.50 2nd
lgrd 49880 127.50 2nd
lgrd 29960 122.50
lgrd 42240 122.50 2nd
lgrd 38700 120.00 1st
lgrd 43160 112.50 2nd
lgrd 48680 110.00 2nd
lgrd 56940 107.50 1st
lgrd 53580 107.50 2nd
lgrd 47780 107.50
lgrd 39120 95.00 2nd
lgrd 33400 92.50
lgrd 31800 87.50
lgrd 32580 87.50 2nd
lgrd 44520 85.00 1st
lgrd 59700 82.50-Oats
lgrd 52260 55.00 1st
3x3 45140 110.00
3x3 49020 100.00
3x3 44460 92.50
3x4 54380 165.00
lgrd 39040 125.00
lgrd 44040 117.50
lgrd 48540 117.50
lgrd 47640 115.00
lgrd 59920 112.50
lgrd 53800 112.50
lgrd 55420 112.50
lgrd 44600 112.50
lgrd 59200 110.00
lgrd 47740 110.00
lgrd 46460 102.50
lgrd 53240 100.00
lgrd 21460 100.00
lgrd 55240 100.00
lgrd 56200 100.00
lgrd 26760 95.00
lgrd 46700 92.50
lgrd 43320 90.00
lgrd 15060 85.00
lgrd 52600 85.00
lgrd 42680 77.50
lgrd 47320 75.00-Millet
lgrd 18300 70.00-Millet/Mix
lgrd 24900 70.00
lgrd 45920 52.50-Sudan Grass
lgrd 46040 50.00-Sudan Grass
lgrd 45000 45.00-Sudan Grass
lgrd 47620 120.00
**A woman brings a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. As she lays her beloved pet duck on the table, the vet puts his stethoscope to the bird’s chest and listens carefully. A moment later the vet shakes his head and says sadly, “I’m sorry mam, but your duck, Cuddles, has passed away.” The woman becomes quite distressed and begins to cry. “Are you sure?” she says with tears flooding from her eyes. “Yes mam, I am sure” the vet responds, “Your duck is definitely dead.” “But how can you be so sure?” the woman protests. “I mean, you haven’t done any testing on him or anything have you? Perhaps he’s just stunned or in a coma or something.” The vet rolls his eyes, then turns around and leaves the room. A few minutes later he returns with a black Labrador Retriever. As the duck’s owner looks on in amazement, the Labrador stands on his hind legs, puts his front paws on the examination table and sniffs around the duck from top to bottom. He then looks up at the vet with sad eyes and shakes his head. The vet pats the dog on the head and takes it out of the room. A few minutes later the vet returns with a cat. The cat jumps on the table and delicately sniffs at the bird from it’s head to it’s feet. After a moment the cat looks up, shakes it’s head, meows softly and strolls out of the room. The vet looks at the woman and says, “Look mam I’m really sorry, but as I said before, this is most definitely a duck that is no longer of this world. Your duck is dead.” The vet turns to his computer terminal, hits a few keys and produces a bill, which he hands to the woman. The duck’s owner, still in shock, looks at the bill and see’s it is $150. “$150 just to tell me my duck is dead!” she shrieks with incredulity. The vet shrugs his shoulders and says, “I’m sorry mam. If you’d taken my word for it, the bill would have been $20. However with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it’s now $150.
Monday February 3, 2020
24 Loads
The sale today was smaller with the market being steady and buyer interest not so great.
lgrd 47160 112.50
3x4 43800 140.00
lgrd 44640 60.00
lgrd 38540 60.00
lgrd 54700 55.00
**An old lady offers the bus driver some peanuts….so the driver happily munches them. Every 5 minutes she gives him a handful more peanuts…Driver: Why don’t you eat them yourself? Old lady: I can’t chew. Look, I have no teeth…Driver: Then why do you buy them? Old lady: “Oh, I just love the chocolates around them.”
Monday February 3, 2020
24 Loads
lgrd 52120 140.00
lgrd 4040 135.00
lgrd 48260 135.00
lgrd 35280 115.00 1st
lgrd 52000 112.50
lgrd 52480 107.50 3rd
3x3 44580 90.00
lgrd 51960 137.50
lgrd 2680 120.00
lgrd 47700 117.50
lgrd 51240 115.00
lgrd 48120 112.50
lgrd 47540 107.50
lgrd 23740 105.00
lgrd 18820 100.00
lgrd 44730 100.00
lgrd 48560 95.00
lgrd 33240 87.50
lgrd 46280 80.00-Sudan Grass
**An old lady offers the bus driver some peanuts….so the driver happily munches them. Every 5 minutes she gives him a handful more peanuts…Driver: Why don’t you eat them yourself? Old lady: I can’t chew. Look, I have no teeth…Driver: Then why do you buy them? Old lady: “Oh, I just love the chocolates around them.”
Thursday January 30, 2020
87 Loads
We had a rather large sale today. The market was generally lower with a limited demand on average and poor grade alfalfa and grass and a big demand for the better grade of alfalfa and grass.
**Several men were in the locker room of the gym when a cell phone on a bench rang and a man put it on speaker and begins to talk. Everyone else in the room stopped to listen. Man: “ Hello!” Woman: “Hi Honey, it’s me. Are you at the club?” Man: “Yes.” Woman: “I’m at the shops now and found this beautiful leather coat. It’s only $2,000; is it ok if I buy it?” Man: “Sure, go ahead if you like it that much.” Woman: “I also stopped by the Lexus dealership and saw the new models. I saw one I really liked.” Man: “How much?” Woman: “$90,000.” Man: “Ok, but for that price I want it with all the options.” Woman: “Great! Oh, and one more thing. I was just talking to Janie and found out that the house I wanted last year is back on the market. They’re asking $980,000 for it.” Man: “Well, then go ahead and make an offer of $900,000. They’ll probably take it. If not, we can go the extra eighty-thousand if it’s what you really want.” Woman: “Ok. I’ll see you later! I love you so much!” Man: “I love you too.” The man hung up. The other men in the locker room were staring at him in astonishment, mouths open wide. He turned and asked, “ Anyone know whose phone this is?”
3x4 40580 152.50
lgrd 39860 110.00
lgrd 42760 80.00
lgrd 11580 67.50
lgrd 45340 65.00
lgrd 47100 65.00
lgrd 45260 62.50
lgrd 47300 62.50
lgrd 46800 62.50
lgrd 47280 60.00
lgrd 53700 57.50
lgrd 52360 57.50
lgrd 46720 52.50
lgrd 48660 52.50
3x4 38420 150.00
3x4 41500 150.00
lgrd 18660 107.50
lgrd 50040 100.00
**Several men were in the locker room of the gym when a cell phone on a bench rang and a man put it on speaker and begins to talk. Everyone else in the room stopped to listen. Man: “ Hello!” Woman: “Hi Honey, it’s me. Are you at the club?” Man: “Yes.” Woman: “I’m at the shops now and found this beautiful leather coat. It’s only $2,000; is it ok if I buy it?” Man: “Sure, go ahead if you like it that much.” Woman: “I also stopped by the Lexus dealership and saw the new models. I saw one I really liked.” Man: “How much?” Woman: “$90,000.” Man: “Ok, but for that price I want it with all the options.” Woman: “Great! Oh, and one more thing. I was just talking to Janie and found out that the house I wanted last year is back on the market. They’re asking $980,000 for it.” Man: “Well, then go ahead and make an offer of $900,000. They’ll probably take it. If not, we can go the extra eighty-thousand if it’s what you really want.” Woman: “Ok. I’ll see you later! I love you so much!” Man: “I love you too.” The man hung up. The other men in the locker room were staring at him in astonishment, mouths open wide. He turned and asked, “ Anyone know whose phone this is?”
Thursday January 30, 2020
87 Loads
We had a rather large sale today. The market was generally lower with a limited demand on average and poor grade alfalfa and grass and a big demand for the better grade of alfalfa and grass.
3x3 46160 140.00 4th
lgrd 49620 155.00
lgrd 48170 150.00 2nd
lgrd 49980 145.00 2nd
lgrd 54310 145.00 2nd
lgrd 51500 142.50 2nd
lgrd 53860 140.00 2nd
lgrd 43060 135.00 2nd
lgrd 37940 130.00 1st
lgrd 55000 122.50 2nd
lgrd 50720 117.00 2nd
lgrd 35580 115.00
lgrd 36940 112.50 1st
lgrd 39020 110.00 1st
lgrd 39860 110.00 1st
lgrd 40780 110.00 1st
lgrd 36000 110.00 1st
lgrd 49860 105.00 2nd
lgrd 50440 105.00 2nd
lgrd 48600 105.00 1st
lgrd 49940 97.50 1st
lgrd 47440 97.50
lgrd 50360 90.00 1st
lgrd 35000 80.00
lgrd 41200 80.00
3x3 45920 110.00
3x3 41980 95.00
3x4 55940 125.00
lgrd 55860 145.00
lgrd 51700 145.00
lgrd 20780 142.50
lgrd 46100 120.00
lgrd 45640 117.50
lgrd 42440 117.50
lgrd 51240 115.00
lgrd 22080 112.50
lgrd 49380 112.50
lgrd 20940 112.50
lgrd 41640 112.50
lgrd 45020 112.50
lgrd 1520 110.00
lgrd 51480 110.00
lgrd 45900 110.00
lgrd 17600 110.00
lgrd 14540 110.00
lgrd 45700 107.50
lgrd 54700 107.50
lgrd 58080 107.50
lgrd 26400 107.50
lgrd 57280 107.50
lgrd 55380 107.50
lgrd 46780 105.00-Oat
lgrd 49080 105.00
lgrd 48180 102.50
lgrd 47440 102.50
lgrd 46720 100.00
lgrd 58680 100.00
lgrd 40900 100.00
lgrd 47500 100.00
lgrd 40160 97.50
lgrd 44040 97.50
lgrd 55760 97.50
lgrd 66040 90.00
lgrd 50520 85.00-German Millet
lgrd 15460 82.50
lgrd 63760 67.50-German Millet
lgrd 45460 65.00
lgrd 45960 47.50
lgrd 46500 45.00
**Several men were in the locker room of the gym when a cell phone on a bench rang and a man put it on speaker and begins to talk. Everyone else in the room stopped to listen. Man: “ Hello!” Woman: “Hi Honey, it’s me. Are you at the club?” Man: “Yes.” Woman: “I’m at the shops now and found this beautiful leather coat. It’s only $2,000; is it ok if I buy it?” Man: “Sure, go ahead if you like it that much.” Woman: “I also stopped by the Lexus dealership and saw the new models. I saw one I really liked.” Man: “How much?” Woman: “$90,000.” Man: “Ok, but for that price I want it with all the options.” Woman: “Great! Oh, and one more thing. I was just talking to Janie and found out that the house I wanted last year is back on the market. They’re asking $980,000 for it.” Man: “Well, then go ahead and make an offer of $900,000. They’ll probably take it. If not, we can go the extra eighty-thousand if it’s what you really want.” Woman: “Ok. I’ll see you later! I love you so much!” Man: “I love you too.” The man hung up. The other men in the locker room were staring at him in astonishment, mouths open wide. He turned and asked, “ Anyone know whose phone this is?”
Monday January 27, 2020
26 Loads
The market was lower for today’s sale, with not a lot of buyer interest, and the quality of hay was average at best.
** A Valentine’s Story: A high school English teacher was noted for being a fair but hard grader. One day Mike received a B- on a theme paper. In hopes of bettering the grade and in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, Mike sent her a heart shaped box of chocolates with the inscription, “Be Mine.” The following day Mike received a Valentine from the teacher. It read, “Thank you, but it’s still Be Mine-Us.”
lgrd 54440 62.50
lgrd 54360 60.00
lgrd 48720 60.00
lgrd 42140 60.00
lgrd 41660 60.00
lgrd 50160 120.00
Monday January 27, 2020
26 Loads
The market was lower for today’s sale, with not a lot of buyer interest, and the quality of hay was average at best.
lgrd 50090 150.00 2nd
lgrd 49660 140.00 2nd
lgrd 53500 137.50 2nd
lgrd 53820 137.50 3rd
lgrd 56800 127.50 1st
lgrd 1200 125.00
lgrd 43840 125.00
lgrd 48660 112.50 1st
lgrd 43680 127.50
lgrd 50700 122.50
lgrd 44340 120.00
lgrd 59720 120.00
lgrd 60040 107.50
lgrd 42120 105.00
lgrd 59600 102.50
lgrd 17780 100.00
lgrd 18660 100.00
lgrd 50520 82.50-Millet
lgrd 60620 85.00-Millet
lgrd 60920 85.00-Millet
** A Valentine’s Story: A high school English teacher was noted for being a fair but hard grader. One day Mike received a B- on a theme paper. In hopes of bettering the grade and in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, Mike sent her a heart shaped box of chocolates with the inscription, “Be Mine.” The following day Mike received a Valentine from the teacher. It read, “Thank you, but it’s still Be Mine-Us.”
Thursday January 23, 2020
68 Loads
The sale today brought descent buyer attendance. Alfalfa quality varied tremendously with the price being generally steady. Quality of grass was descent, selling steady to weak, and cornstalks sold lower than last week.
**A couple were having marital problems. They decided together to do the right thing and they contacted a marriage guidance counselor. Several visits followed when lots of questions were asked and lots of listening carried out. Eventually the counselor felt that he had discovered the main problem. He stood up, went over to the woman and asking her to stand up he gave her a huge cuddle. He turned to the husband and said, “This is what your wife needs, at least once every day.” The husband frowned, considered what had been said for a moment, then replied, “Ok, what time do you want me to bring her back tomorrow?”
lgrd 46880 107.50
lgrd 40280 87.50
lgrd 39400 75.00
lgrd 38700 72.50
lgrd 41100 72.50
lgrd 49000 67.50
lgrd 40300 67.50
lgrd 43340 65.00
lgrd 43600 65.00
lgrd 45640 65.00
lgrd 47320 65.00
lgrd 44960 60.00
lgrd 45440 60.00
lgrd 40300 155.00
smsq 5770 200.00
**A couple were having marital problems. They decided together to do the right thing and they contacted a marriage guidance counselor. Several visits followed when lots of questions were asked and lots of listening carried out. Eventually the counselor felt that he had discovered the main problem. He stood up, went over to the woman and asking her to stand up he gave her a huge cuddle. He turned to the husband and said, “This is what your wife needs, at least once every day.” The husband frowned, considered what had been said for a moment, then replied, “Ok, what time do you want me to bring her back tomorrow?”
Thursday January 23, 2020
68 Loads
The sale today brought descent buyer attendance. Alfalfa quality varied tremendously with the price being generally steady. Quality of grass was descent, selling steady to weak, and cornstalks sold lower than last week.
3x4 44580 145.00
3x4 49000 145.00 2nd
3x4 48560 137.50 2nd
3x4 50740 135.00 1st
lgrd 54500 175.00 3rd
lgrd 50620 170.00 3rd
lgrd 50720 165.00 3rd
lgrd 50400 165.00 3rd
lgrd 38120 160.00 3rd
lgrd 55520 160.00 3rd
lgrd 52060 160.00
lgrd 50720 140.00 2nd
lgrd 52980 130.00
lgrd 47180 125.00 2nd
lgrd 52880 125.00 2nd
lgrd 64960 125.00 2nd
lgrd 50260 125.00 2nd
lgrd 45580 112.50 2nd
lgrd 58240 105.00
lgrd 51420 105.00 2nd
lgrd 58540 90.00
lgrd 56020 87.50 1st
lgrd 47920 80.00 2nd
3x4 52100 122.50
lgrd 47700 145.00
lgrd 48840 145.00
lgrd 47300 135.00
lgrd 54960 132.50
lgrd 49480 130.00
lgrd 46360 130.00
lgrd 48440 130.00
lgrd 49420 130.00
lgrd 51300 130.00
lgrd 49980 130.00
lgrd 42080 127.50
lgrd 52040 125.00
lgrd 42440 125.00
lgrd 45480 125.00
lgrd 22540 125.00
lgrd 44500 122.50
lgrd 47240 122.50
lgrd 43020 117.50
lgrd 55860 100.00
lgrd 44700 95.00
lgrd 51340 92.50
lgrd 33200 90.00
lgrd 54000 87.50
lgrd 53060 87.50
lgrd 56880 87.50
**A couple were having marital problems. They decided together to do the right thing and they contacted a marriage guidance counselor. Several visits followed when lots of questions were asked and lots of listening carried out. Eventually the counselor felt that he had discovered the main problem. He stood up, went over to the woman and asking her to stand up he gave her a huge cuddle. He turned to the husband and said, “This is what your wife needs, at least once every day.” The husband frowned, considered what had been said for a moment, then replied, “Ok, what time do you want me to bring her back tomorrow?”