Monday March 9, 2020

22 Loads




lgrd  45880 165.00 3rd

lgrd  43180  90.00

lgrd  55060  85.00



lgrd  42640  35.00

**Teacher- “Billy, if there are 5 birds on a fence and you shoot 1, how many birds are left?”  Billy- “None, the others would fly away.”  Teacher- “The answer is 4 but I like the way you think.”  Billy- “I have a question for you Miss.  There are 3 women eating ice cream, 1 licking, 1 biting, and 1 sucking.  Which one is married?”  Teacher nervously answers, “The one sucking.”  Billy- “The answer is the one with the wedding ring on, but I like the way you think.”

Monday March 9, 2020

22 Loads

Lighter volume with little buyer interest and a weaker market for today’s sale.

Hay Day will be April 2, 2020



3x3   43940  87.50

3x4   46740  80.00 1st

3x4   49560  77.50 1st

lgrd  50320 155.00 3rd

lgrd  44880 140.00 2nd

lgrd  38800 100.00

lgrd  36320  80.00 2nd

lgrd  43800  75.00 2nd

lgrd  53720  75.00 1st

lgrd  52800  72.50 2nd

lgrd  57400  72.50 2nd

lgrd  34320  40.00



lgrd  10640 125.00

lgrd  54080  85.00

lgrd  33640  65.00

lgrd  45460  30.00 sudan

lgrd               25.00 oatleage

lgrd               25.00 oatleage

**Teacher- “Billy, if there are 5 birds on a fence and you shoot 1, how many birds are left?”  Billy- “None, the others would fly away.”  Teacher- “The answer is 4 but I like the way you think.”  Billy- “I have a question for you Miss.  There are 3 women eating ice cream, 1 licking, 1 biting, and 1 sucking.  Which one is married?”  Teacher nervously answers, “The one sucking.”  Billy- “The answer is the one with the wedding ring on, but I like the way you think.”

Thursday March 5, 2020

83 Loads

Today’s sale brought good volume and was definitely a buyer’s market.  The quality of hay varied a lot along with the price.  The general market was lower with the exception of alfalfa being better. Demand was lighter on other grades of hay.  **Hay Day is April 2, 2020



lgrd    130   4.00



3x3   48020 177.50

3x3   41360 137.50 2nd

3x3   47920 122.50 2nd

3x3   47500 115.00 1st

3x4   37040 102.50

3x4   46700 100.00 1st

3x4   46140 100.00

3x4   49640 100.00 1st

3x4   42900  85.00 1st

3x4   43280  85.00 1st

3x4   54580  65.00 1st

3x4   49680  60.00 1st

lgrd  54640 190.00 4th

lgrd  42500 172.50 2nd

lgrd  55200 170.00 4th

lgrd  56160 160.00 3rd

lgrd  52140 135.00 2nd

lgrd  39000 130.00

lgrd  45560 130.00 3rd

lgrd  52300 127.50 2nd

lgrd  52680 120.00

lgrd  47120 112.50 2nd

lgrd  17580 110.00 2nd

lgrd  45940 105.00 1st

lgrd  44700 105.00

lgrd  54200 100.00

lgrd  53980 100.00

lgrd  44540  95.00

lgrd  43400  92.50 1st

lgrd  56260  92.50 2nd

lgrd  47980  90.00 3rd

lgrd  40420  87.50

lgrd  47760  85.00

lgrd  39580  85.00 1st

lgrd  47960  82.50

lgrd  50100  80.00

lgrd  53120  80.00 1st

lgrd  55440  55.00 1st



3x3   47720 125.00

3x4   50860 137.50

3x4   51940  82.50

lgrd  51200 120.00

lgrd  46700 120.00

lgrd  42520 117.00

lgrd  54600 107.50

lgrd  50720  92.50

lgrd  39500  90.00

lgrd  46820  90.00

lgrd  58140  90.00

lgrd  44500  85.00

lgrd  46240  85.00

lgrd  48460  82.50

lgrd  52560  82.50

lgrd  45480  80.00

lgrd  16700  80.00 2nd

lgrd  15440  80.00

lgrd  45640  77.50

lgrd  45600  77.50

lgrd  50240  75.00

lgrd  50440  72.50 oat

lgrd  46060  70.00

lgrd  27780  70.00

lgrd  53880  65.00

lgrd  23500  60.00

smsq   3260 135.00

lgrd                60.00 oatleage

lgrd                52.50 oatleage

** A police officer found a perfect place for watching for speeding motorists.  One day, the officer was amazed when everyone was under the speed limit, so he investigated and found the problem.  A 10 year old boy was standing on the side of the road with a huge hand painted sign which said “Radar Trap Ahead.”  A little more investigative work led the officer to the boy’s accomplice:  another boy about 100 yards beyond the radar trap with a sign reading “TIPS” and a bucket at his feet full of change.

Thursday March 5, 2020

83 Loads

**Hay Day is April 2, 2020



3x3   42660 170.00

3x3   41520  67.50

lgrd  45940 142.50 2nd

lgrd  62300 130.00

lgrd  52440 112.50

lgrd  62820  92.50

lgrd  53640  80.00



3x3   42860  77.50

lgrd  48680  70.00 orchard

lgrd  51140  52.50




lgrd  43560  35.00

lgrd  43580  32.50

lgrd  44580  32.50

lgrd  44140  32.50

lgrd  43400  30.00


Monday March 2, 2020

23 Loads

Market was steady today on light tests.

** Hay Day is April 2, 2020




3x4   57100 130.00

lgrd  56360 117.50

lgrd  57400  55.00    (Oats Hay)

lgrd  42260   125.00

lgrd                 120.00



lgrd  40740 110.00

lgrd  53600 105.00

lgrd  17260  95.00

lgrd  48280  85.00

lgrd  51400  82.50

lgrd  53580  80.00

lgrd  35160  77.50

lgrd  10620  77.50

lgrd               97.50

-------Sudan Grass-----

lgrd  47180  30.00

lgrd  46480  30.00

lgrd  46460  30.00

lgrd  48240  30.00


3-2-2020 Mixed Hay and Bedding



lgrd  43900  52.50

lgrd  49200  50.00

lgrd  46940  50.00



3x3   51320 160.00




3x4   55320  70.00

**A man was all upset because they had a red haired baby. He said to the doctor, " My wife and I are black haired, but not my baby!" Doc told him likely generations ago, there was a red head. Man said "No, can't be- for generations we've all been black haired." Doc: "How often do you and your wife sleep together?" "Well I'm a little ashamed of that. I'm so busy. Maybe a few times a year."  Doc: "There you got it- it's rust!!"

Thursday February 27, 2020

85 Loads




3x3   38060 135.00 2nd-Alfalfa/Orchard

3x3   39360  80.00

3x3   42840  67.50

3x4   57080 130.00

3x4   54260  75.00

lgrd  51700 105.00

lgrd  49780  65.00



3x4   39720  85.00

lgrd  36100 100.00

lgrd  45080  50.00-Bean

3x4    2160  85.00




lgrd  42240  57.50

lgrd  51720  52.50

lgrd  46360  47.50

lgrd  46900  47.50

lgrd  48100  45.00

lgrd  49880  42.50

lgrd  46480  42.50

lgrd  50160  40.00

lgrd  48240  37.50

** While waiting for her first appointment with her new dentist, Jane notices his degree certificate on the wall, which includes his first name.  Suddenly she remembers a tall, handsome boy from her High School class some 45 years ago who had exactly the same name.  Naturally she wonders whether this can be the same guy.  However upon seeing him, she quickly dismisses any such thought. Surely this aging, balding, grey-haired old man with a deeply lined face could not possibly be one of her old High School classmates?  After he had finished examining her teeth, Jane decides to ask him whether he attended the local high school.  “Yes,” he replied.  “That’s amazing.  What year did you graduate then?” Jane asks.  “In 1973,” he responds.  “Amazing, you were in my class! Jane exclaims.  He looks at her closely and then asks, “What subject did you teach?”

Thursday February 27, 2020

85 Loads

Today’s sale brought decent volume. The market for alfalfa was steady to stronger, grass was steady to weaker on poor quality, and bedding was lower.



3x3   49420 112.50 1st

3x4   49500 152.50 1st

3x4   50220 152.50 2nd

3x4   47260 112.50

lgrd  53980 175.00 2nd

lgrd  58860 175.00 4th

lgrd  44000 167.50 3rd

lgrd  41700 162.50 2nd

lgrd  57020 157.50 2nd

lgrd  49740 145.00 2nd

lgrd  50560 135.00 2nd

lgrd  58320 127.50 2nd

lgrd  50840 117.50 1st

lgrd  57240 115.00 1st

lgrd  49400 115.00 2nd

lgrd  58980 115.00 2nd

lgrd  42180 115.00 3rd

lgrd  44940 115.00 2nd

lgrd  39580 112.50 1st

lgrd  49880 110.00 2nd

lgrd  17200 110.00 2nd

lgrd  52180 105.00 1st

lgrd  54440 102.50 1st

lgrd  53140 100.00 1st

lgrd  52040  90.00 1st

lgrd  51000  77.50 2nd

lgrd  58580  55.00-Oatlage




3x3   48600 135.00

3x4   53260  75.00

lgrd  43900 145.00

lgrd  53840 130.00

lgrd  36980 125.00 2nd

lgrd  53660 117.50

lgrd  53920 115.00

lgrd  54280 115.00

lgrd  46760 115.00

lgrd  50440 115.00

lgrd  43540 112.50

lgrd  46120 112.50

lgrd  55320 110.00

lgrd  55480 110.00

lgrd  51600 110.00

lgrd  49480 107.50

lgrd  36460 105.00

lgrd  35300 102.50

lgrd  49720  95.00

lgrd  46980  92.50

lgrd  44440  90.00

lgrd  45740  90.00

lgrd  22400  85.00

lgrd  47120  85.00

lgrd  21080  82.50

lgrd  44480  80.00

lgrd  32280  77.50

lgrd  24080  77.50

lgrd  34720  77.50

lgrd  16200  75.00

lgrd  44780  75.00

lgrd  53460  75.00-

lgrd  31040  70.00

lgrd  47100  70.00

lgrd  30700  62.50-Japanese Millet

lgrd  45100  60.00

lgrd  47000  40.00-Sudan Grass

smsq   3300 145.00

lgrd   1560  90.00

** While waiting for her first appointment with her new dentist, Jane notices his degree certificate on the wall, which includes his first name.  Suddenly she remembers a tall, handsome boy from her High School class some 45 years ago who had exactly the same name.  Naturally she wonders whether this can be the same guy.  However upon seeing him, she quickly dismisses any such thought. Surely this aging, balding, grey-haired old man with a deeply lined face could not possibly be one of her old High School classmates?  After he had finished examining her teeth, Jane decides to ask him whether he attended the local high school.  “Yes,” he replied.  “That’s amazing.  What year did you graduate then?” Jane asks.  “In 1973,” he responds.  “Amazing, you were in my class! Jane exclaims.  He looks at her closely and then asks, “What subject did you teach?”

Monday February 24, 2020

26 Loads




lgrd  47120  57.50

lgrd  46860  57.50

lgrd  41920  55.00

lgrd  49360  55.00

lgrd  45960  55.00

lgrd  47100  55.00

lgrd  44900  55.00

lgrd  45940  55.00



** Jed goes into a public restroom and he’s barely sat down in the cubicle when he hears a voice say, “Hi, how are you?”  Feeling a little embarrassed Jed says politely, “Well, I guess I’m doing fine thank you!”  The voice then responds, “So what are you up to?”  Jed is even more embarrassed but once again he responds politely, “Well just like you I’m sitting here trying to get a load off my mind.”  He then hears the voice say, “Hey, can I come over?”  Jed is now extremely embarrassed and starting to get slightly irritated too, so he snaps back, “Look, surely you understand I’m a bit busy right now!”  At this point he hears the voice say, “Jane listen, I’ll have to call you back.  There’s an idiot in the next cubicle who keeps responding to all my questions!”

Monday February 24, 2020

26 Loads

The market today was steady. Quality of alfalfa was poor and grass and cornstalks were steady.



3x4   51800  80.00

lgrd  54920 105.00 1st

lgrd  46220 102.50 2nd

lgrd  51000  75.00 3rd

lgrd  42900  70.00





lgrd  52000 117.50

lgrd  10560 115.00

lgrd  46980 115.00

lgrd  55000 115.00

lgrd  54280 112.50

lgrd  47860 100.00

lgrd  47440 100.00

lgrd  48300 100.00

lgrd  18280  92.50

lgrd  56200  55.00-Oat

lgrd  45620  40.00-Sudan Grass

lgrd  46100  40.00-Sudan Grass

lgrd  46560  37.50-Sudan Grass

** Jed goes into a public restroom and he’s barely sat down in the cubicle when he hears a voice say, “Hi, how are you?”  Feeling a little embarrassed Jed says politely, “Well, I guess I’m doing fine thank you!”  The voice then responds, “So what are you up to?”  Jed is even more embarrassed but once again he responds politely, “Well just like you I’m sitting here trying to get a load off my mind.”  He then hears the voice say, “Hey, can I come over?”  Jed is now extremely embarrassed and starting to get slightly irritated too, so he snaps back, “Look, surely you understand I’m a bit busy right now!”  At this point he hears the voice say, “Jane listen, I’ll have to call you back.  There’s an idiot in the next cubicle who keeps responding to all my questions!”