Thursday May 13, 2021

70 Loads

Market was strong today. Quality was generally pretty good.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3   47120 210.00 4th

3x3   45700 200.00 1st

3x3   49740 185.00 3rd

3x3   54940 177.50 2nd

3x4   44820 190.00   

3x4   54320 180.00 1st

3x4   43320 175.00 1st

lgrd  56460 210.00 3rd

lgrd  51360 197.50 2nd

lgrd  52080 197.50 2nd

lgrd  50420 197.50 3rd

lgrd  48080 195.00 2nd

lgrd  48060 195.00 4th

lgrd  53800 180.00 1st

lgrd  49280 170.00 1st

lgrd  50020 170.00 1st

lgrd  38620 165.00 4th

lgrd  43620 160.00 2nd

lgrd  27340 155.00   

lgrd  41540 155.00 2nd

lgrd  50460 145.00 2nd

lgrd  52120 140.00 2nd

lgrd  41300 117.50 2nd



3x3   46180 160.00   

3x3   46600 140.00   

3x4   58920 145.00   

3x4   43680 145.00   

3x4   50020 135.00   

lgrd  47440 175.00   

lgrd  39140 172.50   

lgrd  50500 152.50   

lgrd  56100 145.00

lgrd  43500 145.00   

lgrd  44440 145.00   

lgrd  48820 140.00   

lgrd  32900 140.00   

lgrd  42440 137.50   

lgrd  47460 135.00   

lgrd  30560 135.00   

lgrd  50500 135.00   

lgrd  52000 135.00   

lgrd  49500 135.00   

lgrd  52400 135.00   

lgrd  44300 130.00   

lgrd  55900 130.00   

lgrd  28980 130.00   

lgrd  57540 130.00   

lgrd  24020 130.00   

lgrd  11740 130.00   

lgrd  52300 127.50   

lgrd  18200 127.50   

lgrd  47160 127.50   

lgrd  50840 125.00   

lgrd  53640 122.50   

lgrd  47100 120.00   

lgrd  53640 117.50   

lgrd  42920 117.50   

lgrd  50400 115.00   

lgrd  43520 115.00   

lgrd  44140 115.00   

lgrd  45980 115.00   

lgrd  30300 112.50   

lgrd  41000 110.00   

Old ranch owner John farmed a small ranch in Montana.  The Montana Wage and Hour Department claimed he was not paying proper wages to his workers and sent an agent out to interview him. 'I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them,' demanded the agent. 'Well,' replied old John, 'There's my ranch hand who's been with me for 3 years. I pay him $600 a week plus free room and board. The cook has been here for 18 months, and I pay her $500 a week plus free room and board. Then there's the half-wit who works about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of all the work around here. He makes about $10 per week, pays his own room and board and I buy him a bottle of bourbon every Saturday night.' 'That's the guy I want to talk to, the half-wit,' says the agent. 'That would be me,' replied old rancher John.

Thursday May 6, 2021

70 Loads

There was a strong demand for all classes of hay today. Quality was average, but did vary quite a bit. No more Monday sales until November.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3   51620 155.00   

3x3   48960 152.50   

lgrd  41880 117.50 




lgrd  33020  50.00 wheat straw

lgrd  35480  30.00 bean stubble




lgrd  45440  42.50

lgrd  43240  35.00

lgrd  48440  32.50

lgrd  42360  32.50

lgrd  48760  32.50

Mr. and Mrs. Brown had two sons. One was named Mind Your Own Business and the other was named Trouble.  One day the two boys decided to play hide and seek.  Trouble hid while Mind Your Own Business counted to one hundred.  Mind Your Own Business began looking for his brother behind garbage cans and bushes.  He then started looking in and under cars until a police man approached him asked, "What are you doing?"  "Playing a game," the boy replied.  "What is your name?" the officer requested.  "Mind Your Own Business."  Furious the officer inquired, "Are you looking for trouble?!"  The boy replied "Why, yes."

Thursday May 6, 2021

70 Loads

There was a strong demand for all classes of hay today. Quality was average, but did vary quite a bit. No more Monday sales until November.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





smsq   1560 197.50   

smsq   1540 197.50   

3x3  51040 200.00 2nd

3x3   57760 170.00 3rd

3x4   54940 180.00 4th

3x4   42240 165.00   

3x4   46060 152.50 1st

3x4   55800 150.00 3rd

lgrd  51220 192.50 2nd

lgrd  63820 185.00 1st

lgrd  43760 185.00 1st

lgrd  57120 182.50   

lgrd  55800 180.00 4th

lgrd  63140 170.00 1st

lgrd  38640 155.00   

lgrd  67260 147.50 4th

lgrd  48020 135.00 2nd

lgrd  41100 135.00 1st

lgrd  51860 135.00 2nd

lgrd  37980 125.00   

lgrd  43200 120.00   

lgrd  36840 115.00   

lgrd  39880 115.00 1st

lgrd  43300 115.00   

lgrd  45220 110.00 2nd



smsq   2200 185.00   

3x3   41980 135.00   

3x3   42700 132.50   

3x4   50100 142.50   

3x4   39780 140.00   

lgrd  44780 190.00   

lgrd  39380 155.00   

lgrd  55160 145.00   

lgrd  61700 142.50   

lgrd  55720 140.00   

lgrd  54600 140.00   

lgrd  55580 137.50

lgrd 29780 137.50        

lgrd  47420 135.00   

lgrd  48860 135.00   

lgrd  44960 135.00   

lgrd  43620 135.00   

lgrd  47400 135.00   

lgrd  45760 135.00   

lgrd  47460 135.00   

lgrd  46000 135.00   

lgrd  18740 130.00   

lgrd  12160 130.00   

lgrd  58300 130.00   

lgrd  36720 130.00   

lgrd  45800 127.50   

lgrd  47520 125.00   

lgrd  47580 125.00   

lgrd  49220 125.00   

lgrd  41780 120.00   

lgrd  53760 117.50   

lgrd  47540 100.00   

lgrd  32700  90.00   

lgrd  47800  87.50   

lgrd  43360  77.50   

Mr. and Mrs. Brown had two sons. One was named Mind Your Own Business and the other was named Trouble.  One day the two boys decided to play hide and seek.  Trouble hid while Mind Your Own Business counted to one hundred.  Mind Your Own Business began looking for his brother behind garbage cans and bushes.  He then started looking in and under cars until a police man approached him asked, "What are you doing?"  "Playing a game," the boy replied.  "What is your name?" the officer requested.  "Mind Your Own Business."  Furious the officer inquired, "Are you looking for trouble?!"  The boy replied "Why, yes."

Thursday April 29, 2021

54 Loads

Market was stronger today. We had some really good hay, and also some very poor alfalfa. No more Monday sales until November.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.



------Mixed- 4-----


lgrd  53700 175.00  

lgrd  51640 162.50

lgrd  42080 140.00   

lgrd  51540 120.00   



lgrd  31340  35.00

lgrd  51040  32.50

lgrd  51440  32.50

lgrd  36180  30.00

lgrd  37420  30.00


** My brother-in-law, a retired farmer, collects antique tractors. He has an entire barn full of them, absolutely amazing, not even any room to walk, and all in perfect working order. He confided in me the other day what his worst fear is. "A barn fire?" I asked. "No, not at all. I'm afraid that when I am gone, my wife will sell all my tractors for what I told her I paid for them."

Thursday April 29, 2021

54 Loads

Market was stronger today. We had some really good hay, and also some very poor alfalfa. No more Monday sales until November.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





smsq   4820 195.00   

3x3   55120 225.00 1st

3x3   55180 225.00 1st

3x3   51140 197.50 1st

3x3   51060 167.50   

3x4   48400 200.00 4th

3x4   54560 180.00 3rd

3x4                165.00

3x4   56320 125.00   

lgrd  60100 190.00 4th

lgrd  58080 170.00 3rd

lgrd  48980 167.50 4th

lgrd  61280 160.00 2nd

lgrd  51300 155.00 2nd

lgrd  41400 155.00 3rd

lgrd  40360 150.00 4th

lgrd  53420 150.00 3rd

lgrd  51060 145.00 3rd

lgrd  48240 140.00 3rd

lgrd  50600 140.00 2nd

lgrd  50240 135.00 3rd

lgrd  44860 135.00   

lgrd  41900 125.00 1st

lgrd  49760 125.00   

lgrd  34700 115.00   

lgrd  42720 105.00   

lgrd  49080  80.00  oats hay 



3x3   45540 150.00   

3x4   45900 120.00   

lgrd  46060 157.50   

lgrd  50700 145.00   

lgrd  47780 135.00   

lgrd  49880 135.00   

lgrd  51680 125.00   

lgrd  30560 125.00   

lgrd  54900 120.00   

lgrd  12320 120.00   

lgrd  53140 115.00   

lgrd  19120 115.00   

lgrd  42200 115.00   

lgrd  30480 110.00   

lgrd  47700 110.00   

lgrd  41380 107.50   

lgrd  46840 102.50   

lgrd  46280  97.50   

** My brother-in-law, a retired farmer, collects antique tractors. He has an entire barn full of them, absolutely amazing, not even any room to walk, and all in perfect working order. He confided in me the other day what his worst fear is. "A barn fire?" I asked. "No, not at all. I'm afraid that when I am gone, my wife will sell all my tractors for what I told her I paid for them."

Monday April 26, 2021

19 Loads

Market was steady today for the last Monday sale of the season. We had some very good quality grass hay here today. Lighter run on the alfalfa hay. Monday sales are done until November. Thursday sales only!

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





lgrd  53220  32.50

lgrd  52600  32.50

lgrd  33440  30.00




lgrd  52980 132.50   



** An old farmer was walking down the path to the pond when he spotted a bullfrog. He reached down and grabbed the frog and started to put him in his pocket when the bullfrog said, "Kiss me on the lips and I will turn into a beautiful farmers wife." Again the old farmer started to put the frog in his pocket. The frog asked, "Didn't you hear what I said?" The farmer looked at the frog and said," At my age I'd rather have a talking frog."

Monday April 26, 2021

19 Loads

Market was steady today for the last Monday sale of the season. We had some very good quality grass hay here today. Lighter run on the alfalfa hay. Monday sales are done until November. Thursday sales only!

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x4  38680 117.50 1st

3x4    8440 117.50 1st

lgrd  51380 145.00 1st

lgrd              115.00 1st



3x4   45180 102.50   

lgrd  48840 135.00   

lgrd   3140 125.00   

lgrd  56440 125.00   

lgrd  46760 115.00   

lgrd   2960 110.00   

lgrd  44180 107.50   

lgrd  46260 107.50   

lgrd  44120  97.50

lgrd  46240  85.00   

lgrd  34680  70.00   

** An old farmer was walking down the path to the pond when he spotted a bullfrog. He reached down and grabbed the frog and started to put him in his pocket when the bullfrog said, "Kiss me on the lips and I will turn into a beautiful farmers wife." Again the old farmer started to put the frog in his pocket. The frog asked, "Didn't you hear what I said?" The farmer looked at the frog and said," At my age I'd rather have a talking frog."

Thursday April 22, 2021

66 Loads

Market was called fully steady. We had quite a little good quality hay here today. Only 1 Monday sale remaining!!

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.



---Mixed Hay- 2------


lgrd  62350 142.50   

lgrd  58120 135.00   

---Straw- 0 ----


lgrd  45480  42.50

lgrd  47780  40.00

lgrd  41560  40.00

lgrd  34720  40.00

lgrd  45930  40.00

lgrd  55420  35.00

lgrd  47580  35.00

lgrd  51220  32.50

lgrd  52340  32.50

lgrd  48820  32.50

** While enjoying an early morning breakfast in a northern Arizona café, four elderly ranchers were discussing everything from cattle, horses, and weather to how things used to be in the ‘good old days.’ Eventually conversation moved on to their spouses. One gentleman turned and tot the fellow on his right and said, “Roy, aren’t you and your bride celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary soon?” “Yep, we sure are.” Roy replied. “Well, are you gonna do anything special to celebrate?” another man asked. The old gentleman pondered for a moment and replied, “For our 25th anniversary I took the missus to Tucson. For our 50th, I’m thinking about going down there again to pick her up.”

Thursday April 22, 2021

66 Loads

Market was called fully steady. We had quite a little good quality hay here today. Only 1 Monday sale remaining!!

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3   52440 245.00   

3x3   51340 220.00   

3x3   19600 185.00   

3x3   40420 150.00   

3x4   51960 225.00   

3x4   48800 220.00   

3x4   52520 180.00   

3x4   44940 130.00   

lgrd  52740 162.50 4th

lgrd  60180 157.50   

lgrd  56180 157.50 4th

lgrd  54400 155.00 4th

lgrd  50820 152.50   

lgrd  48440 150.00 3rd

lgrd  47400 145.00 2nd

lgrd  45560 142.50 3rd

lgrd  68920 142.50   

lgrd  39380 142.50 3rd

lgrd  57120 142.50 3rd

lgrd  41440 140.00 1st

lgrd  40900 140.00   

lgrd  48880 140.00   

lgrd  50440 137.50 1st

lgrd  49960 137.50 3rd

lgrd  50040 137.50   

lgrd  53940 137.50 2nd

lgrd  52200 135.00 3rd

lgrd   4300 120.00   



smsq   2020 170.00   

3x3   46060 147.50   

3x4   48020 145.00   

lgrd  59800 135.00   

lgrd  53860 130.00   

lgrd  39320 125.00   

lgrd  12260 122.50   

lgrd  43980 122.50   

lgrd  53540 120.00   

lgrd  46060 117.50   

lgrd  36300 117.50   

lgrd  21840 115.00   

lgrd  23780 115.00   

lgrd  40540 112.50   

lgrd  52700 105.00   

lgrd  18820 100.00   

lgrd  12200 100.00   

lgrd  41460 100.00   

lgrd  53840  97.50   

lgrd  44100  90.00   

lgrd  40600  85.00   

lgrd  43240  85.00   

lgrd  44040  85.00   

lgrd  49340  80.00   

lgrd  43220  80.00   

lgrd  48960  80.00   

** While enjoying an early morning breakfast in a northern Arizona café, four elderly ranchers were discussing everything from cattle, horses, and weather to how things used to be in the ‘good old days.’ Eventually conversation moved on to their spouses. One gentleman turned and tot the fellow on his right and said, “Roy, aren’t you and your bride celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary soon?” “Yep, we sure are.” Roy replied. “Well, are you gonna do anything special to celebrate?” another man asked. The old gentleman pondered for a moment and replied, “For our 25th anniversary I took the missus to Tucson. For our 50th, I’m thinking about going down there again to pick her up.”