Thursday July 15, 2021
72 Loads

We had a nice run today. Generally quality was lower. We had a lot of hay that had some moisture after it was baled due to recent rains. Some 2nd cutting alfalfa that had been rained on. Same hay as last week sold $5-10 lower, the rest of the hay was lower quality. Grass sold generally steady. The new straw looked really good and sold moderately well with not much interest.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





smsq   7980 190.00 2nd

3x3   44740 220.00 2nd

3x3   52960 215.00   

3x3   50640 205.00   

3x3   52980 200.00   

3x3   67000 195.00   

3x3   59880 195.00   

3x3   65100 185.00   

3x3   48600 177.50 1st

3x3   51840 155.00   

3x4   52100 195.00 1st

3x4   48280 190.00 1st

3x4   39300 180.00 1st

3x4   56900 170.00 2nd

3x4   60560 170.00 2nd

3x4   57440 162.50 2nd

lgrd  53860 200.00 1st

lgrd  53620 200.00 1st

lgrd  53460 197.50 1st

lgrd  43620 190.00 1st

lgrd              190.00 2nd

lgrd  56200 185.00 2nd

lgrd  64200 180.00 1st

lgrd  41560 180.00 2nd

lgrd  54120 180.00 1st

lgrd  57600 170.00 1st

lgrd  42360 170.00 2nd

lgrd  54180 170.00 1st

lgrd  52080 170.00 1st

lgrd  48240 167.50 1st

lgrd  28930 165.00 1st

lgrd  69900 165.00 1st

lgrd  43560 162.50 2nd

lgrd  44700 160.00 1st

lgrd  60920 122.50 1st



smsq   7420 200.00   

3x3   21120 210.00   

3x3   54980 150.00   

3x3   19960 140.00   

3x4   49640 160.00   

3x4   50440 147.50   

3x4   47800 140.00   

lgrd  52100 185.00   

lgrd  50440 180.00   

lgrd  36300 175.00   

lgrd  59360 175.00   

lgrd  37720 175.00   

lgrd  20960 170.00   

lgrd  53960 165.00   

lgrd  49560 155.00   

lgrd  47260 147.50   

lgrd  48200 142.50   

lgrd  51620 140.00   

lgrd  33460 135.00   

lgrd  47920 135.00   

lgrd  51280 132.50   

lgrd  51340 130.00   

lgrd  46180 130.00

lgrd              130.00

lgrd              125.00  

lgrd  50400 125.00   

lgrd  57280 107.50   

lgrd  42200  75.00   

The devil shows up in church and everyone runs out but an old man. The Devil says, “why don’t you run? Aren’t you afraid of me?” The old man replies, “Nope, I married your sister!”

Thursday July 8, 2021
73 Loads

Quality varied today some very nice 2nd cutting new alfalfa. Overall, the market was steady with good interest in all classes. We will have some new straw in next week.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3   48630 247.00  

3x3   48660 210.00 1st

3x3   51300 215.00

3x3   58180 220.00 1st

3x3   59300 265.00 2nd

3x3   48360 205.00 2nd

3x3   254340 177.50 2nd

3x3   42200 205.00 2nd

3x3   54160 225.00

3x4   39440 210.00 

3x4   34960 205.00

3x4   48440 200.00 2nd  

lgrd  57540 247.50 2nd

lgrd  61620 135.00 wet

lgrd  56700 135.00 wet

lgrd  53900 230.00 2nd

lgrd  57980 215.00 1st

lgrd  59360 215.00 1st

lgrd  52420 230.00 2nd

lgrd  47860 230.00 1st

lgrd  47220 230.00 2nd

lgrd  47080 230.00 1st

lgrd  39790 202.50 2nd

lgrd  59680 207.50 4th

lgrd  58720 195.00 2nd

lgrd  52000 200.00 4th

lgrd  55640 230.00 2nd

lgrd  51680 180.00

lgrd  49000 215.00 2nd   

lgrd  59800 202.50 1st

lgrd  40860 210.00 1st

lgrd  58900 235.00 1st

lgrd  27700 185.00 1st

lgrd  52260 192.50 2nd

lgrd  50420 227.50 1st

lgrd  54580 215.00

lgrd  41280 217.50   



lgrd   47900 140.00

lgrd  46100 180.00  

lgrd  45060 175.00 

lgrd  52620 175.00   

lgrd   2300  115.00 

lgrd  31720 142.50   

lgrd  35500 195.00   

lgrd  48260 152.50  

lgrd  7440   170.00   

lgrd  47680 165.00  

lgrd  17180 160.00   

lgrd  61080 150.00   

lgrd  8960   150.00

lgrd  51140 145.00   

lgrd  19900 140.00   

lgrd  50540 155.00   

lgrd  54500 160.00   

lgrd  58440 150.00   

lgrd  54140 140.00   

lgrd  49420 150.00   

lgrd  49620 147.50   

lgrd  42040 100.00   

lgrd  44420 157.50

lgrd  50220 150.00

lgrd  43440 150.00 rye

lgrd  44140 140.00 rye

3x4   40300 147.50 rye

A Doctor asks his patient angrily, “Why did you send my bill back, unopened, Mr. Gunrick?”
Mr Gunrick explains, “But doctor, it was you who told me I must avoid any upsets and stress!

Thursday July 8, 2021
73 Loads
Quality varied today some very nice 2nd cutting new alfalfa. Overall, the market was steady with good interest in all classes. We will have some new straw in next week.
A Doctor asks his patient angrily, “Why did you send my bill back, unopened, Mr. Gunrick?”
Mr Gunrick explains, “But doctor, it was you who told me I must avoid any upsets and stress!
3×3 48630 247.00
3×3 48660 210.00 1st
3×3 51300 215.00
3×3 58180 220.00 1st
3×3 59300 265.00 2nd
3×3 48360 205.00 2nd
3×3 254340 177.50 2nd
3×3 42200 205.00 2nd
3×3 54160 225.00
3×4 39440 210.00
3×4 34960 205.00
3×4 48440 200.00 2nd
lgrd 57540 247.50 2nd
lgrd 61620 135.00 wet
lgrd 56700 135.00 wet
lgrd 53900 230.00 2nd
lgrd 57980 215.00 1st
lgrd 59360 215.00 1st
lgrd 52420 230.00 2nd
lgrd 47860 230.00 1st
lgrd 47220 230.00 2nd
lgrd 47080 230.00 1st
lgrd 39790 202.50 2nd
lgrd 59680 207.50 4th
lgrd 58720 195.00 2nd
lgrd 52000 200.00 4th
lgrd 55640 230.00 2nd
lgrd 51680 180.00
lgrd 49000 215.00 2nd
lgrd 59800 202.50 1st
lgrd 40860 210.00 1st
lgrd 58900 235.00 1st
lgrd 27700 185.00 1st
lgrd 52260 192.50 2nd
lgrd 50420 227.50 1st
lgrd 54580 215.00
lgrd 41280 217.50

lgrd 47900 140.00
lgrd 46100 180.00
lgrd 45060 175.00
lgrd 52620 175.00
lgrd 2300 115.00
lgrd 31720 142.50
lgrd 35500 195.00
lgrd 48260 152.50
lgrd 7440 170.00
lgrd 47680 165.00
lgrd 17180 160.00
lgrd 61080 150.00
lgrd 8960 150.00
lgrd 51140 145.00
lgrd 19900 140.00
lgrd 50540 155.00
lgrd 54500 160.00
lgrd 58440 150.00
lgrd 54140 140.00
lgrd 49420 150.00
lgrd 49620 147.50
lgrd 42040 100.00
lgrd 44420 157.50
lgrd 50220 150.00
lgrd 43440 150.00 rye
lgrd 44140 140.00 rye
3×4 40300 147.50 rye

lgrd 55640 170.00
lgrd 49920 170.00
lgrd 50660 135.00
lgrd 46320 167.50
lgrd 11700 187.50
lgrd 50860 200.00

lgrd 49760 45.00
lgrd 37540 52.50
lgrd 51220 45.00
lgrd 42480 55.00

Thursday July 1, 2021

 91 Loads

Quality was down quite a bit today. Same hay sold about steady, but quality was down in both grass and alfalfa.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.



-----Mixed - 5---


3x3   49600 187.50   

3x4   50420 180.00   

lgrd  54940 200.00   

lgrd  51880 185.00   

lgrd  12820 170.00   



3x4   54300 120.00




lgrd  35600  55.00

lgrd  41360  52.50

lgrd  35300  50.00

lgrd  41480  47.50

lgrd  50900  45.00

lgrd  37260  45.00

lgrd  44980  45.00

lgrd  51000  45.00

~Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in the New York harbor? Because she can’t sit
~ What is the difference between a duck and George Washington? One has a bill on his face, the other has his face on a bill.
Have a happy, safe, and fun 4th of July!!

Thursday July 1, 2021

 91 Loads

Quality was down quite a bit today. Same hay sold about steady, but quality was down in both grass and alfalfa.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





smsq   4460 165.00 1st

3x3   53280 240.00 1st

3x3   52060 210.00 1st

3x3   45020 205.00 1st

3x3   52320 200.00 1st

3x3   52460 200.00 1st

3x4   40580 200.00 1st

3x4   47360 200.00 3rd

3x4   48220 187.50 2nd

3x4   40060 180.00   

3x4   29740 102.50 oats hay   

lgrd  56720 220.00 1st

lgrd  59160 220.00 1st

lgrd  59280 210.00   

lgrd  59980 210.00 1st

lgrd  50200 205.00   

lgrd  53200 205.00 1st

lgrd  52160 205.00 1st

lgrd  44180 202.50 2nd

lgrd  49680 202.50   

lgrd  43200 202.50 2nd

lgrd  54520 200.00 1st

lgrd  43000 200.00 1st

lgrd  43420 200.00 1st

lgrd  62640 200.00 1st

lgrd  52580 197.50 1st

lgrd  53880 195.00 2nd

lgrd  43560 192.50 1st

lgrd  50940 187.50 1st

lgrd  48080 187.50   

lgrd  46860 185.00 2nd

lgrd   1340 185.00   

lgrd  27380 185.00 1st

lgrd  27700 185.00 1st

lgrd  50900 180.00 1st

lgrd  47480 180.00 3rd

lgrd  50320 180.00   

lgrd  49380 177.50   

lgrd  43280 170.00   

lgrd  33660 160.00

lgrd              147.50   

lgrd  37340 147.50 1st

lgrd  40240 120.00 2nd

lgrd  38020 120.00 2nd

lgrd  30820 120.00 2nd



3x3   20760 170.00

3x3               145.00   

3x3   44720 135.00 

3x4               140.00 

lgrd  43600 185.00   

lgrd  53540 182.50   

lgrd  56740 180.00   

lgrd  34700 180.00   

lgrd  46380 175.00   

lgrd  52000 175.00   

lgrd  46380 175.00   

lgrd  52980 172.50   

lgrd  50440 170.00   

lgrd  45080 167.50   

lgrd  45420 167.50   

lgrd  46460 165.00   

lgrd  54280 165.00   

lgrd  43460 165.00   

lgrd  21680 162.50   

lgrd  32640 160.00   

lgrd  40040 150.00   

lgrd  49700 150.00   

lgrd  45340 150.00   

lgrd  39160 150.00

lgrd              147.50

lgrd              147.50   

lgrd  41860 147.50   

lgrd  38800 145.00   

lgrd  40940 135.00   

lgrd  35460 135.00   

lgrd   3560 115.00   

lgrd  43260  92.50   

~Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in the New York harbor? Because she can’t sit
~ What is the difference between a duck and George Washington? One has a bill on his face, the other has his face on a bill.
Have a happy, safe, and fun 4th of July!!

Thursday June 24, 2021

 113 Loads

Market called mostly steady on a heavy volume of hay. Quality was good today and almost all loads were new hay. Happy Birthday, Paul!!

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3   41940 137.50   

3x4   38540 187.50

3x4  21340 182.50   

Lgrd              187.50 

lgrd  45340 187.50   

lgrd  54840 182.50   

lgrd  57060 180.00   

lgrd  60660 177.50   

lgrd  52900 175.00   

lgrd  34760 162.50   

lgrd  38880 162.50   




lgrd  45960  47.50

lgrd  40840  45.00

lgrd  39880  45.00

lgrd  46600  45.00

lgrd  49500  45.00

lgrd  41680  45.00

~How do you make a bull stop charging? Take away his credit card.
~What do you give a 3100 lb. rhino for his birthday? I don’t know, but you better hope he likes it!
~(Frank will appreciate this one!) You should always make friends with babies. That’s free cake once a year for a lifetime.
~If you have a dozen eggs in one hand and ten cupcakes in the other, what do you have? Really big hands

Thursday June 24, 2021

 113 Loads

Market called mostly steady on a heavy volume of hay. Quality was good today and almost all loads were new hay. Happy Birthday, Paul!!

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3   57340 247.50 1st

3x3   64380 240.00 1st

3x3   60320 235.00 1st

3x3   50560 235.00 1st

3x3   51460 232.50 1st

3x3   44020 230.00 1st

3x3   57720 225.00   

3x3   49360 225.00 4th

3x3   51300 222.50 1st

3x3   47520 222.50   

3x3   52860 220.00 1st

3x3   44980 195.00 1st

3x3   32060 185.00 1st

3x4   52560 242.50 1st

3x4   55100 242.50 1st

3x4   54280 240.00 1st

3x4   50780 235.00 1st

3x4   56440 235.00 1st

3x4   49340 235.00 1st

3x4   53560 235.00 1st

3x4   56940 232.50 1st

3x4   53780 230.00 1st

3x4   54380 225.00 1st

3x4   56480 205.00 1st

lgrd  58300 250.00 1st

lgrd  55220 232.50 1st

lgrd  53680 225.00 1st

lgrd  64500 222.50 1st

lgrd  55700 220.00 1st

lgrd  52460 220.00   

lgrd  60320 220.00 1st

lgrd  42920 220.00 1st

lgrd  59210 217.50 1st

lgrd  59800 217.50 1st

lgrd  51420 215.00 1st

lgrd  57680 215.00 1st

lgrd  56160 212.50 1st

lgrd  53440 210.00 1st

lgrd  49700 207.50 1st

lgrd  51540 207.50 1st

lgrd  42960 202.50   

lgrd  45940 202.50 3rd

lgrd  52620 200.00 1st

lgrd  53520 197.50   

lgrd  45320 195.00   

lgrd  49860 195.00 1st

lgrd  48280 195.00   

lgrd  54520 195.00   

lgrd  50320 192.50   

lgrd  53260 187.50 3rd

lgrd  45180 185.00 1st

lgrd  42420 180.00 1st

lgrd  14500 165.00   

lgrd  52740 160.00   

lgrd  49400 160.00 1st

lgrd  51900 150.00   

lgrd  47440 142.50   

lgrd  42120 140.00   



3x4   50760 155.00   

3x4   43920 145.00   

3x4   41380 132.50   

lgrd  45620 187.50   

lgrd  31940 180.00   

lgrd  37760 180.00   

lgrd  54220 180.00   

lgrd  49080 177.50   

lgrd  57820 167.50 oats hay  

lgrd  49700 167.50   

lgrd  56360 167.50   

lgrd  62340 167.50

lgrd              167.50   

lgrd  26640 165.00   

lgrd  38060 162.50   

lgrd  45640 162.50   

lgrd  54340 160.00   

lgrd  41280 160.00   

lgrd  19440 160.00   

lgrd  38760 157.50   

lgrd  45200 155.00   

lgrd  38820 155.00   

lgrd  56380 155.00   

lgrd  44500 155.00   

lgrd  45600 152.50   

lgrd  55320 152.50   

lgrd  46140 150.00   

lgrd  28420 147.50   

lgrd  48900 145.00   

lgrd  50860 145.00

lgrd               142.50   

lgrd  36640 140.00   

lgrd  40900 137.50   

lgrd  35060 137.50   

lgrd  36100 135.00   

lgrd  47780 130.00   

lgrd  39560  92.50   

lgrd  41380  87.50   

~How do you make a bull stop charging? Take away his credit card.
~What do you give a 3100 lb. rhino for his birthday? I don’t know, but you better hope he likes it!
~(Frank will appreciate this one!) You should always make friends with babies. That’s free cake once a year for a lifetime.
~If you have a dozen eggs in one hand and ten cupcakes in the other, what do you have? Really big hands

Thursday June 17, 2021

80 Loads

It was a hot one again today! Alfalfa rounds were mostly steady, and large squares were steady to slightly stronger. Very good quality alfalfa, and mostly new crop today. Grass sold steady to stronger. Some of the old grass was not very good quality. A few loads of old grass were very nice, as was the new crop grass. Bedding sold steady on a light test. Buyer interest was very strong.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.



-----Mixed Hay-5----


lgrd  50340 240.00   

lgrd  49160 205.00 new   

lgrd  42980 190.00   

lgrd  43920 190.00 new

lgrd  57620 180.00   




 lgrd  49760  92.50

3x4   56040 110.00




lgrd  47080  50.00

lgrd  46440  50.00

lgrd  48820  47.50

lgrd  47360  40.00

lgrd  41740  40.00

-Why do you never see pigs hiding in trees? Because they’re pretty good at it.
-Why are blonde jokes so short? So men can remember them.
-I got fired from my job at the bank today. An old lady asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.

Thursday June 17, 2021

80 Loads

It was a hot one again today! Alfalfa rounds were mostly steady, and large squares were steady to slightly stronger. Very good quality alfalfa, and mostly new crop today. Grass sold steady to stronger. Some of the old grass was not very good quality. A few loads of old grass were very nice, as was the new crop grass. Bedding sold steady on a light test. Buyer interest was very strong.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3   54480 265.00 new

3x3   60500 260.00 new

3x3   48800 257.50 new

3x3   51020 255.00 new

3x3   50380 255.00 new

3x3   58440 252.50 new

3x3   50620 250.00 new

3x3   47740 250.00 1st

3x3   51000 245.00 new  

3x3   51640 240.00 new

3x3   46680 240.00  new

3x3   53440 235.00 new

3x3   49180 197.50 new

3x4   49340 267.50 new

3x4   55360 262.50 new

3x4   56026 257.50 new

3x4               230.00 new

3x4   51460 220.00 new  

3x4   51240 215.00 1st

lgrd  60900 245.00 new

lgrd  58660 242.50 new

lgrd  57360 240.00 new

lgrd  50060 240.00   

lgrd  50680 237.50 new

lgrd  55230 230.00 1st

lgrd  60240 230.00 1st

lgrd  52400 230.00 new

lgrd  50000 227.50 new

lgrd  56020 225.00   

lgrd  60320 220.00 1st

lgrd  58100 217.50 1st

lgrd  48360 217.50 new

lgrd  59660 210.00   

lgrd  56920 190.00 new

lgrd  62800 185.00 new

lgrd  44540 180.00 2nd

lgrd  14520 165.00 3rd



Smsq            135.00 new

Smsq            135.00 new

3x4   61280 167.50   

3x4   51960 155.00   

3x4   49080 150.00   

lgrd  29340 187.50 new  

lgrd  38060 185.00   

lgrd  50840 185.00   

lgrd  54660 182.50   

lgrd  50180 182.50 new

lgrd  29720 180.00 new

lgrd  20580 175.00 new

lgrd  57420 170.00 new

lgrd  40200 167.50   

lgrd  48460 162.50   

lgrd  28160 160.00   

lgrd  34000 155.00   

lgrd   2080 155.00   

lgrd  48860 155.00   

lgrd  54580 152.50 2nd

lgrd  45220 150.00   

lgrd  46420 150.00   

lgrd  54860 142.50   

lgrd  47240 140.00   

lgrd  48600 132.50   

lgrd  47420 132.50   

lgrd  45240 132.50   

lgrd  43460 130.00   

lgrd  37160 127.50   

lgrd  13540 125.00   

lgrd              122.50

-Why do you never see pigs hiding in trees? Because they’re pretty good at it.
-Why are blonde jokes so short? So men can remember them.
-I got fired from my job at the bank today. An old lady asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.