Thursday January 27, 2022
56 Loads

Market was called lower across the board today. Quality was decent with a lot of lower quality grass loads.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3   44120 172.50 4th

3x4   48680 175.00 4th

lgrd  51020 197.50 1st

lgrd  51860 197.50 3rd

lgrd  46120 195.00 4th

lgrd  58500 185.00 3rd

lgrd  56720 185.00   

lgrd  45660 182.50   

lgrd  50980 182.50 1st

lgrd  46660 180.00 3rd

lgrd  65660 180.00 2nd

lgrd  52720 177.50 1st

lgrd  50340 172.50 2nd

lgrd  50960 172.50 2nd

lgrd  57800 170.00 1st

lgrd  21440 167.50 3rd

lgrd  42220 167.50 2nd

lgrd  53880 165.00 2nd

lgrd  47480 165.00   

lgrd  46660 162.50 2nd

lgrd  50580 160.00 2nd

lgrd  41550  80.00 1st

lgrd  39980  45.00 1st



3x4   46760 162.50   

3x4   51380 100.00   

lgrd  44100 220.00   

lgrd  56660 217.50   

lgrd  54320 200.00   

lgrd  12580 200.00   

lgrd  53180 197.50   

lgrd  36080 195.00   

lgrd  47600 195.00   

lgrd  50960 190.00   

lgrd  45960 185.00   

lgrd  48760 182.50   

lgrd  47480 172.50   

lgrd  52700 152.50   

lgrd  59500 150.00   

lgrd  46380 142.50   

lgrd  47460 142.50   

lgrd  55640 140.00   

lgrd  55900 137.50   

lgrd  18920 130.00   

lgrd  35780 102.50   

lgrd  35320  82.50

lgrd  39880  75.00 cattails

lgrd  38700  75.00 cattails

--When I got my driver’s license picture taken, it showed up on the screen and I gasped and said “Omg, I look so ugly in that picture!” The man taking the picture looked at the picture and then looked at me and said, “I don’t know what to tell you. That is exactly what you look like.”

Thursday January 27, 2022
56 Loads

Market was called lower across the board today. Quality was decent with a lot of lower quality grass loads.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x4   54720 130.00

3x4   35640 127.50

3x4   55580 122.50



lgrd  47880  47.50

lgrd  48000  47.50

lgrd  39360  45.00

lgrd  40340  45.00

lgrd  10760  32.50

--When I got my driver’s license picture taken, it showed up on the screen and I gasped and said “Omg, I look so ugly in that picture!” The man taking the picture looked at the picture and then looked at me and said, “I don’t know what to tell you. That is exactly what you look like.”

Monday January 24, 2022
 26 Loads

Market was called mostly steady today across the board, with alfalfa hinting a bit stronger.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3    1940 192.50 2nd

lgrd  56780 187.50 2nd

lgrd  59520 185.00 3rd

lgrd  55900 185.00 2nd

lgrd  52420 180.00 4th

lgrd  46080 177.50 4th



3x4   50380 197.50   

3x4   46780 192.50   

3x4   54520 150.00   

lgrd  60200 190.00   

lgrd  53740 182.50   

lgrd  52980 180.00   

lgrd  45200 177.50   

lgrd  55720 170.00   

lgrd  51060 165.00   

lgrd  52200 145.00   

lgrd  29120 132.50   

lgrd  44380 130.00   

lgrd  49220 130.00   

lgrd  36660 125.00   


Some parents run a tight ship. I run a pirate ship. There is some swearing, some drinking, and a touch of mutiny from the tiny raiders that I created.

Monday January 24, 2022
26 Loads

Market was called mostly steady today across the board, with alfalfa hinting a bit stronger.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x4   55280 120.00

3x4   47880  80.00

3x4   55100  70.00

lgrd  42060 117.50

lgrd  43920  60.00 bean







lgrd  50020  45.00

Some parents run a tight ship. I run a pirate ship. There is some swearing, some drinking, and a touch of mutiny from the tiny raiders that I created.

Thursday January 20, 2022
69 Loads

Market: Alfalfa was steady to weaker quality varied with some extremely poor loads. Grass hay sold mostly steady with a little weaker undertone on the poorer grass hay. Straw was not tested. Cornstalks were steady

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.



Mixed Hay & Straw



lgrd  52860 115.00   




3x3    4900 145.00 Wheat

3x4    8460 135.00 Rye

3x4   45900 110.00 Rye

lgrd  33580  22.50 Wrapped





lgrd  48960  45.00

lgrd  13920  50.00

lgrd  40100  47.50

lgrd  40200  47.50

lgrd  42180  45.00

lgrd  47820  45.00

--Adulthood is like looking both ways before crossing the street only to get hit by an airplane. ---

Thursday January 20, 2022
69 Loads

Market: Alfalfa was steady to weaker quality varied with some extremely poor loads. Grass hay sold mostly steady with a little weaker undertone on the poorer grass hay. Straw was not tested. Cornstalks were steady

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x4   48720 190.00 2nd

3x4   53100 187.50 1st

3x4   47600 180.00 1st

lgrd  45200 190.00 4th

lgrd  52420 185.00 2nd

lgrd  45600 185.00 4th

lgrd  44760 185.00   

lgrd  51820 185.00 2nd

lgrd  21180 180.00 3rd

lgrd  41220 180.00 2nd

lgrd  41180 180.00 2nd

lgrd  41660 180.00 2nd

lgrd  54180 180.00 3rd

lgrd  57460 180.00 1st

lgrd  54780 180.00 3rd

lgrd  49020 180.00 3rd

lgrd  55460 177.50 3rd

lgrd  47740 177.50 3rd

lgrd  64780 175.00 1st

lgrd  57620 170.00 1st

lgrd  55900 170.00 2nd

lgrd  42420 170.00 3rd

lgrd  46120 165.00 2nd

lgrd  53060 152.50 1st

lgrd  42400 120.00   

lgrd  37940 105.00 1st



3x4   44060 175.00   

3x4   51180 175.00   

3x4   43980 157.50   

lgrd  51180 200.00   

lgrd  51560 195.00   

lgrd  51960 185.00   

lgrd  50700 180.00   

lgrd  41060 180.00   

lgrd  52660 177.50   

lgrd  36280 175.00   

lgrd  44640 175.00   

lgrd  51320 175.00   

lgrd  51260 172.50   

lgrd  50280 172.50   

lgrd  49400 162.50   

lgrd  44760 155.00   

lgrd  50540 145.00   

lgrd  45660 140.00   

lgrd  44400 132.50   

lgrd  47980 132.50   

lgrd  47080 115.00   

lgrd  37740 105.00   

lgrd  38500  75.00 Cattails  

lgrd  39180  75.00 Cattails

lgrd  39760  30.00 Cattails   

smsq   2400 205.00   

--Adulthood is like looking both ways before crossing the street only to get hit by an airplane. ---

Monday January 17, 2022
16 Loads

Market was steady to a little stronger on alfalfa. Grass was too light to test. Bedding remained about the same on a very light volume.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x4   54860 110.00

lgrd  47540 140.00




lgrd  42140  45.00

lgrd               45.00

~ Shortly after takeoff on an evening flight from Dublin to Boston, the lead flight attendant nervously made the following announcement. “Ladies and gentlemen, I am so very sorry, but it appears that there has been a terrible mix-up by our catering service. We have 103 passengers on board, but only received 40 dinner meals. I apologize for this mistake and inconvenience.” When the muttering of the passengers had died down, she continued. “Anyone who is kind enough to give up their meal so that someone else can eat will receive free and unlimited drinks for the duration of the 10-hour flight.” Her next announcement came 2 hours later. “If anyone is hungry, we still have 40 meals available.”

Monday January 17, 2022
16 Loads

Market was steady to a little stronger on alfalfa. Grass was too light to test. Bedding remained about the same on a very light volume.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x4   49860 200.00 2nd

3x4   47260 200.00 2nd

lgrd  57540 197.50 3rd

lgrd  51300 197.50 3rd

lgrd               192.50 2nd

lgrd  51860 177.50 2nd

lgrd  61020 177.50 3rd

lgrd  65400 160.00 2nd

lgrd  51560 150.00 3rd



Lgrd  47300 187.50   

lgrd  46940 165.00   

lgrd  42980  77.50 cattails

~ Shortly after takeoff on an evening flight from Dublin to Boston, the lead flight attendant nervously made the following announcement. “Ladies and gentlemen, I am so very sorry, but it appears that there has been a terrible mix-up by our catering service. We have 103 passengers on board, but only received 40 dinner meals. I apologize for this mistake and inconvenience.” When the muttering of the passengers had died down, she continued. “Anyone who is kind enough to give up their meal so that someone else can eat will receive free and unlimited drinks for the duration of the 10-hour flight.” Her next announcement came 2 hours later. “If anyone is hungry, we still have 40 meals available.”

Thursday January 13, 2022
 80 Loads

Market was steady on the grass and the alfalfa was weaker on a pretty good size test.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3   50840 177.50   

3x4   50160 200.00   

lgrd  55020 172.50

lgrd  52540 142.50   




3x4   51160 132.50

3x4   53920 130.00

3x4   40180 130.00

3x4   53040 105.00

lgrd  29760 105.00



lgrd  38340  47.50

lgrd  40260  47.50

lgrd  44680  47.50

lgrd  39620  45.00

lgrd  10680  42.50

Last night I ordered a glass of wine with my dinner, and the waiter asked to see my ID. I replied, “Do I look that young?” The waiter said, “No. I just wanted to see if you qualified for the senior discount.”