Posted: November 10, 2022 by Manager1 in Mixed Hay & Bedding Results
Rock Valley Hay Report
Thursday November 10, 2022
61 Loads
The market was fully steady to stronger across the board. The quality was better than previous sales. We had a good buyer crowd here today.
Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!
3x3 44520 252.50
lgrd 53700 257.50 2nd
lgrd 49080 245.00
lgrd 53620 182.50
3x4 49080 185.00Wheat
3x4 48080 172.50Wheat
3x4 36020 172.50Wheat
lgrd 38660 90.00
lgrd 37960 80.00
lgrd 21780 80.00
My kids call it “yelling” when I raise my voice. I call it motivational speaking for the selective listener.
Rock Valley Hay Report
Thursday November 10, 2022
61 Loads
The market was fully steady to stronger across the board. The quality was better than previous sales. We had a good buyer crowd here today.
Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!
3x3 50140 275.00 1st
3x3 52620 265.00 3rd
3x3 52900 265.00 3rd
3x3 49420 260.00 1st
3x4 45160 267.50 3rd
3x4 47580 267.50 2nd
3x4 50380 260.00 2nd
lgrd 54020 255.00 2nd
lgrd 43220 280.00 2nd
lgrd 49480 275.00 1st
lgrd 45580 265.00 2nd
lgrd 51920 260.00 2nd
lgrd 53180 260.00 2nd
lgrd 47260 260.00 3rd
lgrd 53180 257.50 2nd
lgrd 56520 257.50 1st
lgrd 55820 257.50 1st
lgrd 47920 257.50 2nd
lgrd 29300 255.00 3rd
lgrd 37680 255.00 2nd
lgrd 52320 255.00 3rd
lgrd 47240 255.00 1st
lgrd 36020 245.00 1st
lgrd 43740 240.00 1st
lgrd 44260 240.00 1st
lgrd 47280 240.00 1st
lgrd 56220 192.50 1st
lgrd 57820 100.00 4th Damaged
3x4 51100 235.00
3x4 50440 225.00
3x4 48960 190.00
lgrd 52880 247.50
lgrd 46540 212.50
lgrd 910 210.00
lgrd 54440 202.50
lgrd 50760 200.00
lgrd 47460 200.00
lgrd 44080 200.00
lgrd 44860 197.50
lgrd 53680 197.50
lgrd 46940 195.50
lgrd 21400 195.00
lgrd 40580 195.00
lgrd 46360 195.00
lgrd 45400 192.50
lgrd 39200 192.50
lgrd 38680 192.50
lgrd 43900 190.00
lgrd 38660 185.00 Oat Hay
lgrd 59860 175.00
lgrd 25320 157.50
My kids call it “yelling” when I raise my voice. I call it motivational speaking for the selective listener.
Posted: November 7, 2022 by Manager1 in Mixed Hay & Bedding Results
Rock Valley Hay Report
Monday November 7, 2022
28 Loads
The market today was mostly steady. We had a pretty good run today for our first Monday sale.
Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!
lgrd 59260 225.00 3rd
lgrd 51660 182.50
lgrd 37760 72.50
lgrd 15400 72.50
lgrd 39000 70.00
Noses are red. Fingers are blue. I feel winter coming, how about you?
Rock Valley Hay Report
Monday November 7, 2022
28 Loads
The market today was mostly steady. We had a pretty good run today for our first Monday sale.
Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!
3x4 44360 242.50 2nd
lgrd 56760 252.50 3rd
lgrd 57740 240.00 3rd
lgrd 54900 240.00 3rd
lgrd 47220 220.00 3rd
lgrd 45940 210.00 1st
lgrd 46540 202.50 1st
lgrd 55980 200.00 2nd
lgrd 53200 192.50 1st
3x4 51200 225.00
3x4 49400 180.00
lgrd 44600 200.00
lgrd 50500 200.00
lgrd 40260 200.00
lgrd 39740 192.50
lgrd 56680 185.00
lgrd 44280 182.50
lgrd 35640 182.50
lgrd 46000 167.50
lgrd 44800 165.00
lgrd 46880 165.00
lgrd 43780 160.00
lgrd 31200 132.50
Noses are red. Fingers are blue. I feel winter coming, how about you?
Posted: November 3, 2022 by Manager1 in Mixed Hay & Bedding Results
Rock Valley Hay Report
Thursday November 3, 2022
85 Loads
Today we had a nice run of hay. The market was mostly steady today. The grass sold steady to weaker with a good volume of grass in the offering. The buyers were active but maybe not as aggressive as in previous sales.
*NOTE our 1st Monday auction for the season will be Monday Nov 7.
Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!
lgrd 41120 235.00
lgrd 42340 232.50
lgrd 50100 210.00
lgrd 50300 210.00
3x4 48160 167.50
3x4 52920 162.50 Wheat
3x4 51070 160.00 Wheat
lgrd 36120 165.00 Oat
lgrd 41040 77.50
lgrd 39220 77.50
lgrd 35160 75.00
lgrd 34020 75.00
lgrd 61720 75.00
lgrd 37760 72.50
A cowboy rode into town & stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals had a habit of picking on strangers. When he finished his drink, he found his horse had been stolen. He went back inside flipped his gun, caught it above his head & fired. “Which one of you stole my horse?! I’m going to have another beer & if my horse ain’t back outside by the time I’m finished I’m going to do what I dun in Texas & I don’t like to do what I dun in Texas!” True to his word after his beer he went outside, & his horse was returned. As he was riding away the bartender ran out & asked, “What happened in Texas?” The cowboy turned back and said... “I had to walk home.”
Rock Valley Hay Report
Thursday November 3, 2022
85 Loads
Today we had a nice run of hay. The market was mostly steady today. The grass sold steady to weaker with a good volume of grass in the offering. The buyers were active but maybe not as aggressive as in previous sales.
*NOTE our 1st Monday auction for the season will be Monday Nov 7.
Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!
3x3 52080 290.00 4th
3x3 49500 285.00 1st
3x3 46760 285.00 1st
3x3 44720 265.00 3rd
3x3 42640 255.00 3rd
3x3 48840 255.00 1st
3x3 45200 257.50 3rd
3x4 52920 275.00 2nd
lgrd 47920 272.50 3rd
lgrd 59200 267.50 2nd
lgrd 47220 265.00 3rd
lgrd 52260 265.00 2nd
lgrd 50500 255.00 2nd
lgrd 51020 262.50 3rd
lgrd 46220 260.00 1st
lgrd 35980 260.00
lgrd 46220 260.00 1st
lgrd 37060 255.00 2nd
lgrd 46700 255.00
lgrd 44000 255.00 1st
lgrd 52580 255.00 1st
lgrd 52840 247.50 1st
lgrd 33640 245.00 2nd
lgrd 1060 245.00 2nd
lgrd 45420 230.00 1st
lgrd 28240 230.00 1st
lgrd 47300 227.50 1st
3x3 47840 255.00
3x4 1480 270.00
3x4 51640 260.00
3x4 42240 245.00
3x4 51080 175.00
lgrd 53140 240.00
lgrd 31860 230.00
lgrd 53340 225.00
lgrd 51540 220.00
lgrd 40320 215.00
lgrd 51960 215.00
lgrd 48980 215.00
lgrd 49680 215.00
lgrd 46980 210.00
lgrd 45100 205.00
lgrd 55300 205.00
lgrd 51620 200.00
lgrd 50920 200.00
lgrd 28400 200.00 Oats
lgrd 47780 195.00
lgrd 36200 190.00
lgrd 43680 190.00
lgrd 51320 190.00
lgrd 53600 190.00
lgrd 21520 187.50
lgrd 44100 187.50
lgrd 50920 185.00
lgrd 51640 185.00
lgrd 43360 185.00
lgrd 44020 185.00
lgrd 55600 185.00
lgrd 44920 182.50
lgrd 44440 182.50
lgrd 50300 182.50
lgrd 44440 180.00
lgrd 38600 180.00
lgrd 50120 177.50
lgrd 46500 175.00
lgrd 38060 170.00
lgrd 42900 170.00
lgrd 43020 167.50
lgrd 48580 167.50
lgrd 24980 162.50
lgrd 44140 160.00
A cowboy rode into town & stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals had a habit of picking on strangers. When he finished his drink, he found his horse had been stolen. He went back inside flipped his gun, caught it above his head & fired. “Which one of you stole my horse?! I’m going to have another beer & if my horse ain’t back outside by the time I’m finished I’m going to do what I dun in Texas & I don’t like to do what I dun in Texas!” True to his word after his beer he went outside, & his horse was returned. As he was riding away the bartender ran out & asked, “What happened in Texas?” The cowboy turned back and said... “I had to walk home.”
Posted: October 27, 2022 by Manager1 in Mixed Hay & Bedding Results
Rock Valley Hay Report
Thursday October 27, 2022
65 Loads
The Market was called strong on all classes today. Good quality grass is bringing a premium. We had good buyer attendance at our sale today.
REMINDER: Monday auctions will begin November 7th.
Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!
lgrd 41860 257.50 3rd
3x4 52720 172.50 Wheat
lgrd 38500 82.50
lgrd 33980 82.50
lgrd 32900 82.50
lgrd 52200 82.50
lgrd 54720 82.50
lgrd 17060 67.50
Round bales have been banned due to animal rights groups complaining that livestock animals aren’t getting a square meal!
What’s the difference between the bird flu & the swine flu? One requires tweetment and the other requires oinkment.
Rock Valley Hay Report
Thursday October 27, 2022
65 Loads
The Market was called strong on all classes today. Good quality grass is bringing a premium. We had good buyer attendance at our sale today.
REMINDER: Monday auctions will begin November 7th.
Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!
3x3 50180 275.00
3x3 52200 270.00 3rd
3x3 52280 270.00 4th
3x3 47820 270.00 3rd
3x3 44540 267.50 2nd
3x3 46620 252.50 3rd
3x3 44520 245.00 2nd
lgrd 55340 272.50 4th
lgrd 51200 267.50 2nd
lgrd 55240 267.50 1st
lgrd 46020 267.50 2nd
lgrd 52640 265.00 4th
lgrd 51260 262.50 1st
lgrd 51460 262.50 1st
lgrd 51500 260.00 2nd
lgrd 42260 257.50 1st
lgrd 42900 257.50 1st
lgrd 56220 255.00 2nd
lgrd 43560 255.00 3rd
lgrd 42460 255.00 1st
lgrd 40700 255.00 1st
lgrd 48120 255.00 1st
lgrd 54080 255.00 2nd
lgrd 49820 255.00 1st
lgrd 46700 252.50 2nd
lgrd 25620 250.00 4th
lgrd 42860 250.00 3rd
lgrd 35860 250.00 2nd
lgrd 49100 235.00 2nd
lgrd 54240 225.00 1st
lgrd 49240 212.50
lgrd 55840 197.50 1st
lgrd 55080 187.50 1st
3x4 47320 240.00
3x4 51600 235.00
lgrd 54880 260.00
lgrd 44000 250.00
lgrd 48700 250.00
lgrd 47840 250.00
lgrd 51460 240.00
lgrd 50100 240.00
lgrd 51080 230.00
lgrd 51880 225.00
lgrd 41020 215.00
lgrd 21320 215.00
lgrd 10580 207.50
lgrd 48380 205.00
lgrd 45480 200.00
lgrd 42400 190.00
lgrd 48960 185.00
lgrd 46480 182.50
lgrd 45220 180.00
lgrd 47660 175.00
lgrd 38080 167.50
lgrd 45920 165.00
lgrd 42860 160.00
lgrd 52320 135.00
Round bales have been banned due to animal rights groups complaining that livestock animals aren’t getting a square meal!
What’s the difference between the bird flu & the swine flu? One requires tweetment and the other requires oinkment.
Posted: October 20, 2022 by Manager1 in Mixed Hay & Bedding Results
Thursday October 20, 2022
53 Loads
On a lighter test today, we had good buyer interest. Market was called steady to stronger. Quality was average with a few exceptional loads of grass. REMINDER: Monday Sales will begin on November 7th!
Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!
lgrd 37620 185.00
3x4 52120 165.00 wheat
3x4 48640 162.50 wheat
3x4 46760 152.50 wheat
lgrd 48520 135.00 oats
lgrd 47900 85.00
lgrd 46600 85.00
What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Hey, Do you smell carrots?
What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing, it just waved.
What kind of shorts do clouds wear? Thunder pants