Rock Valley Hay Report
Monday January 9, 2023

67 Loads

Today the market was steady, Weather is cooperating, and smiles were plentiful.

Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





3x3   48320 265.00 2nd

3x3   45920 242.50 1st

3x3   47440 227.50 1st

3x4   51320 260.00 2nd

3x4   51060 260.00 2nd

3x4   58360 260.00 2nd

3x4   50980 255.00   

3x4   48610 247.50 2nd

3x4   46820 245.00 3rd

3x4   54340 242.50 1st

3x4   55940 242.50 1st

3x4   46600 232.50 3rd

lgrd  56820 252.50 2nd

lgrd  52580 252.50 1st

lgrd  52200 250.00 3rd

lgrd  51180 250.00 1st

lgrd  56120 247.50   

lgrd  52200 245.00   

lgrd  50880 245.00 1st

lgrd  37820 242.50 2nd

lgrd  42100 242.50 2nd

lgrd   1560 240.00   

lgrd  52140 240.00 2nd

lgrd  39240 240.00 1st

lgrd  51200 235.00 1st

lgrd  51740 232.50 2nd

lgrd  49910 230.00 2nd

lgrd  51560 227.50 3rd



3x3   47160 215.00   

lgrd   4860 230.00   

lgrd  41880 220.00   

lgrd  50280 220.00   

lgrd  61340 200.00   

lgrd  42940 200.00   

lgrd  23200 200.00   

lgrd  59200 195.00   

lgrd  54780 195.00   

lgrd  50960 190.00   

lgrd  55560 190.00   

lgrd  35620 185.00   

lgrd  40020 185.00   

lgrd  39500 185.00   

lgrd  39940 180.00   

lgrd  41700 177.50   

lgrd  41520 175.00

lgrd  48000 175.00OAT HAY 

lgrd  46520 172.50   

lgrd  50860 172.50   

lgrd  43240 170.00

lgrd  53060 165.00   

lgrd  19960 165.00   

lgrd  47400 140.00

lgrd  58620 135.00   

lgrd  58580 135.00   

lgrd  58080 135.00   

lgrd  51960 135.00   

lgrd  58720 135.00  

lgrd  10900 100.00 


What flies when it is born, lies when it’s alive, and runs when it’s dead? Snow.


Rock Valley Hay Report
Thursday January 5, 2023

22 Loads

The market was not tested as the run was small due to the weather.  Things sold mostly steady.


Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





3x4   58120 150.00 WHEAT

3x4   55000 150.00 WHEAT

3x4   43260 132.50 OAT

3x4   45700  50.00 WHEAT



3x4   38620 235.00   



What exactly is a New Year’s resolution? It’s a to-do list for the first week of January.


Rock Valley Hay Report
Thursday January 5, 2023

22 Loads

The market was not tested as the run was small due to the weather.  Things sold mostly steady.


Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





3x4   48260 260.00 3rd

3x4   53040 255.00 2nd

3x4   55360 247.50 3rd

3x4   51400 222.50   

lgrd  57920 255.00 2nd

lgrd  59960 242.50 1st

lgrd  56460 240.00 2nd




lgrd  18360 260.00   

lgrd  54780 217.50   

lgrd  55960 210.00   

lgrd  54240 205.00   

lgrd  53580 205.00   

lgrd  60980 202.50   

lgrd  49100 200.00   

lgrd  47000 200.00   

lgrd  55240 185.00   

lgrd  40080 180.00



What exactly is a New Year’s resolution? It’s a to-do list for the first week of January.


Rock Valley Hay Report
Monday January 2, 2023

45 Loads

Market was steady today on a lighter test.

Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





lgrd  56300 180.00   

lgrd  55320 175.00   




lgrd  50460  80.00

lgrd  47780  80.00

lgrd  22920  72.50



3x4   51100 155.00WHEAT

3x4   53220 155.00WHEAT

3x4   53620 102.50WHEAT

lgrd  39900 147.50RYE

lgrd  38060 145.00RYE

lgrd  52560 122.50


What is a cow called in a earthquake? A milkshake!


Rock Valley Hay Report
Monday January 2, 2023

45 Loads

Market was steady today on a lighter test.

Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





3x3   44120 260.00 3rd

3x3   44280 245.00 3rd

3x4   47460 230.00 3rd

3x4   49500 227.50 2nd

lgrd  59200 255.00 3rd

lgrd  57480 250.00   

lgrd  52500 250.00 2nd

lgrd  59340 247.50 2nd

lgrd  61880 247.50 4th

lgrd  59520 240.00 1st

lgrd  48700 237.50 2nd

lgrd  52420 235.00 3rd

lgrd  60020 232.50 1st

lgrd  50300 230.00   

lgrd  56260 225.00 2nd




3x4   49420 240.00   

3x4   51300 210.00   

lgrd  58200 232.50   

lgrd  60900 230.00   

lgrd   5080 230.00   

lgrd  54820 225.00   

lgrd  60580 215.00   

lgrd  52720 205.00   

lgrd  51820 205.00   

lgrd  35880 202.50   

lgrd  47980 197.50   

lgrd  44520 192.50   

lgrd  58060 190.00   

lgrd  21640 190.00   

lgrd  40040 185.00   

lgrd  52760 182.50   

lgrd  36500 180.00   

lgrd  36300 180.00   

lgrd  57180 175.00   


What is a cow called in a earthquake? A milkshake!


Rock Valley Hay Report
Thursday December 29, 2022

88 Loads

Today the grass and bedding market were steady to stronger. The alfalfa sold steady to weaker. We had a nice crowd of buyers.
We are wishing everyone a safe and happy New Year!

NOTICE: There IS an auction on Monday, January 2.

Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





lgrd  44580 100.00

lgrd  45160  95.00

lgrd  44760  95.00   

lgrd  43440  92.50

lgrd  51340  90.00

lgrd   2980  90.00

lgrd  46240  90.00

lgrd  52220  90.00

lgrd  46160  90.00

lgrd  39260  90.00

lgrd  22580  80.00



3x4    3340 170.00WHEAT

3x4   22640 152.50WHEAT

3x4   44160 132.50WHEAT

3x4   43220 130.00OATS

3x4   44180 130.00WHEAT

lgrd  36160 165.00WHEAT

lgrd  44900  75.00BEAN STRAW

lgrd  44720  75.00BEAN STRAW

lgrd  44760  75.00BEAN STRAW

lgrd  44280  75.00BEAN STRAW


Why are people jealous of agriculture majors? Because they always get a job in their field.


Rock Valley Hay Report
Thursday December 29, 2022

88 Loads

Today the grass and bedding market were steady to stronger. The alfalfa sold steady to weaker. We had a nice crowd of buyers.
We are wishing everyone a safe and happy New Year!

NOTICE: There IS an auction on Monday, January 2.

Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





3x3   44640 267.50 3rd

3x3   55400 250.00   

3x4   52880 255.00 2nd

3x4    5580 255.00   

3x4   48660 255.00 2nd

3x4   52160 255.00 2nd

3x4   50780 255.00 2nd

3x4   44820 247.50 1st

3x4   47480 242.50 1st

3x4   50000 152.50 1st

lgrd  61340 270.00 2nd

lgrd  60820 265.00 2nd

lgrd  55020 262.50 3rd

lgrd  50540 260.00   

lgrd  49500 260.00   

lgrd  53620 255.00 2nd

lgrd  45180 255.00 2nd

lgrd  55400 255.00   

lgrd  62040 250.00 2nd

lgrd  60180 250.00 2nd

lgrd  49400 240.00 3rd

lgrd  57440 237.50 2nd

lgrd  50180 237.50   

lgrd  59260 237.50   

lgrd  51840 237.50 3rd

lgrd  49760 235.00 3rd

lgrd  53220 232.50 2nd

lgrd  38820 230.00 2nd




3x3   47400 180.00   

3x4   51260 245.00   

3x4   56700 235.00 3rd

3x4   54220 220.00   

3x4   52720 220.00   

lgrd  53080 237.50   

lgrd  54300 235.00 1st

lgrd  54220 235.00   

lgrd  55020 230.00 1st

lgrd  47140 230.00 

lgrd  55680 225.00 

lgrd  54100 225.00   

lgrd  45240 225.00   

lgrd  49060 222.50   

lgrd  47620 215.00   

lgrd  57360 215.00   

lgrd  43520 215.00   

lgrd  53020 212.50   

lgrd  35820 210.00   

lgrd  33460 210.00   

lgrd  13740 210.00   

lgrd  47740 207.50   

lgrd  57700 205.00   

lgrd  48880 200.00   

lgrd  36260 200.00   

lgrd  53400 192.50   

lgrd  49540 190.00   

lgrd  46000 190.00   

lgrd  47880 190.00   

lgrd  34980 182.50   

lgrd  33660 180.00   

lgrd  35920 180.00   

lgrd  47340 180.00   

lgrd  54170 175.00OAT HAY   

lgrd  36020 167.50   

lgrd  30120 155.00   

lgrd  48560 135.00   

lgrd  60120  95.00   


Why are people jealous of agriculture majors? Because they always get a job in their field.


Rock Valley Hay Report
Thursday December 22, 2022

32 Loads

The market was mostly steady with a very light test due to the poor weather conditions. We are wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!

REMINDER: No auction Dec 26, all others will be held.

Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





3x4   47920 160.00

3x4   54100 155.00 Wheat

3x4    6560 140.00 Wheat

3x4   33760 140.00 Wheat



lgrd  45180  95.00

lgrd  48360  90.00

lgrd  48940  90.00


A streaker froze in mid-streak! Mayor Mitchell hung a plaque around his neck, so we all must pretend he is a statue until spring.


Rock Valley Hay Report
Thursday December 22, 2022

32 Loads

The market was mostly steady with a very light test due to the poor weather conditions. We are wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!

REMINDER: No auction Dec 26, all others will be held.

Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





3x4   53360 285.00 1st

3x4   52680 162.50 1st

lgrd  54380 245.00 3rd

lgrd  59440 195.00 1st

lgrd  55640 185.00 1st



3x3   48240 185.00   

lgrd  54180 235.00 1st

lgrd  54140 235.00 1st

lgrd  53220 210.00   

lgrd   1500 207.50   

lgrd  50940 207.50   

lgrd  50400 200.00   

lgrd  36120 195.00   

lgrd  46820 195.00   

lgrd  49920 195.00   

lgrd  52700 195.00   

lgrd  47960 195.00   

lgrd  46640 195.00

lgrd  35220 195.00   

lgrd  47020 190.00   

lgrd  43840 187.50   

lgrd  53260 185.00   

lgrd  54700 185.00   

lgrd  56120 185.00   

lgrd  45600 175.00 Oats   


A streaker froze in mid-streak! Mayor Mitchell hung a plaque around his neck, so we all must pretend he is a statue until spring.
