We're located at 3110 Eagle Ave in Rock Valley. It is located across the road east of Town & Country Implement. ATTENTION: WE ARE CURRENTLY HAVING MONDAY & THURSDAY AUCTIONS. WE HAVE HAY FOR SALE PRIVATE TREATY ON OUR WEBSITE. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE "HAY FOR SALE" TAB AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE. Rock Valley Hay Auction has been selling hay and straw for over 70 years. We sell on average 4500 loads annually. Let our experience in hay and straw marketing work for you.

Auctions begin @ 12:30p.m. Monday auctions are held November through April in addition to the year round Thursday sale.

Contact our office if interested or have any questions at 712-476-5541.

Rock Valley Hay Report

Thursday February 23, 2023

28 Loads

Very light test today. Local ground conditions are very muddy today. Market generally steady.

Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





3x3   46280 192.50 2nd

lgrd  37000 240.00 2nd

lgrd  49640 225.00 4th

lgrd  38380 207.50 2nd

lgrd  49060 195.00 2nd

lgrd  42440 195.00 2nd



lgrd  22080 225.00   

lgrd  47820 220.00   

lgrd  55560 215.00   

lgrd  59590 187.50   

lgrd  48060 187.50   

lgrd  25880 170.00   

lgrd  41240 165.00   

lgrd  39480 162.50   

lgrd  43700 150.00   

lgrd  35140 140.00   


Bob came home drunk & slid into bed beside his wife & fell into a deep slumber. He awoke before the Pearly Gates. ‘You died in your sleep Bob’ I’m dead? No, I can’t be. I have too much to live for. Send me back! ‘I’m sorry there is only one way you can go back & that is as a chicken’ The next thing he knew he was covered in feathers, clucking & pecking the ground. A rooster strolled past “So you’re the new hen huh? How’s your first day?” Not bad, but I have this strange feeling inside like I’m going to explode! “You’re ovulating, just relax & let it happen” Bob was overcome with joy as he experienced motherhood! As he was about to lay another egg he felt a smack and heard his wife yell.. BOB WAKE UP! You’re shitting the bed!


Rock Valley Hay Report

Thursday February 23, 2023

22 Loads

The market was mostly stead. The sale was small due to the weather.

Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





3x4    4400 240.00   



lgrd  40940 102.50

lgrd  47340 102.50



3x3   46320 157.50 OATS

3x4   42700 135.00 WHEAT

3x4   42540 135.00 WHEAT


There are actually 11 seasons: Winter. Fool’s Spring. Second Winter. Spring of deception. Third Winter. Mud Season. Actual Spring. Summer. False fall. Second summer. Actual fall.


Rock Valley Hay Report

Thursday February 23, 2023

22 Loads

The market was mostly stead. The sale was small due to the weather.

Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





3x3   48620 270.00 5th

3x3   42060 235.00 2nd

3x4    4720 250.00   

lgrd  57880 252.50 2nd

lgrd  51660 247.50 3rd




lgrd  46200 220.00   

lgrd  42300 197.50   

lgrd  47300 187.50   

lgrd  40780 172.50   

lgrd  36380 167.50   

lgrd  35920 162.50   

lgrd  35160 162.50   

lgrd  35040 162.50   

lgrd  35220 160.00   

lgrd  35320 160.00   

lgrd  47700 145.00 


There are actually 11 seasons: Winter. Fool’s Spring. Second Winter. Spring of deception. Third Winter. Mud Season. Actual Spring. Summer. False fall. Second summer. Actual fall.


Rock Valley Hay Report

Monday February 20, 2023

60 Loads

Today’s market was mostly steady. Cornstalks were strong and so was the buyer attendance in anticipation of the upcoming storm.

Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





lgrd  63340 217.50   

lgrd  43160 210.00   

lgrd  44760 185.00 3rd

lgrd  52880 180.00   

lgrd  40200 175.00   

lgrd  50740 155.00   




lgrd  48620 112.50

lgrd  41480 107.50

lgrd  41820 102.50

lgrd  48260 102.50

lgrd  51420 102.50

lgrd  41920 102.50

lgrd  49640 100.00

lgrd  43060 100.00

lgrd  47340 100.00



3x4   51200 155.00 WHEAT

3x4   54620 140.00 WHEAT

lgrd  41340 152.50

lgrd  43490 150.00

lgrd  40480 145.00 RYE

lgrd  40620 120.00


A women came home, screeching her car into the driveway, and ran into the house. She slammed the door and shouted excitedly, “Honey, pack your bags. I won the lottery!” The husband said, “Oh my God! What should I pack, beach stuff or mountain stuff?” “Doesn’t matter,” she said, “Just get out.”
