We're located at 3110 Eagle Ave in Rock Valley. It is located across the road east of Town & Country Implement. ATTENTION: WE ARE CURRENTLY HAVING MONDAY & THURSDAY AUCTIONS. WE HAVE HAY FOR SALE PRIVATE TREATY ON OUR WEBSITE. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE "HAY FOR SALE" TAB AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE. Rock Valley Hay Auction has been selling hay and straw for over 70 years. We sell on average 4500 loads annually. Let our experience in hay and straw marketing work for you.

Auctions begin @ 12:30p.m. Monday auctions are held November through April in addition to the year round Thursday sale.

Contact our office if interested or have any questions at 712-476-5541.

Thursday, November 30, 2017
87 loads.

Market was about $10 off on grass and alfalfa. We had a large supply and beautiful weather today.
Not as many calves coming in due to Thanksgiving calls for less demand.


SIZE   LBS     $/TON
3x3   31760   112.50
3x3   38260   100.00
3x4   53100   110.00
lgrd   44080   100.00
lgrd   44640   100.00
lgrd   40960   75.00
lgrd   27380   62.50


3x3   48500   150.00 4th
lgrd   50600   120.00
lgrd   35960   115.00


lgrd   37460   45.00
lgrd   37260   45.00

**My grandfather told me that he saw The Titanic and that from the
beginning he warned all the people that the boat would sink, but they ignored him
. However, they were warned again on several occasions, until they kicked
him out of the cinema. **Singing in the shower is all fun and
games until you get shampoo in your mouth, then it just becomes a soap opera.

November 29, 2018
53 loads.

Market was very strong today, especially on the grass. Quality was good across the board. Good hay sold well.


SIZE  LBS    $/Ton
lgrd   43540 62.50
lgrd   42860 55.00
lgrd   42560 55.00
lgrd   40680 55.00


SIZE  LBS      $/Ton
lgrd   39580 130.00

I was sitting on a bus behind a mother and her young son. Her boy kept looking around and pulling funny faces at me. After a few minutes, I got tired of his antics so I said, *When I was young, my mother told me that if I made an ugly face and the wind changed, that my face would stay that way.*
The little brat replied, *Well, you can*t say you weren*t warned!*

November 29, 2018
53 loads.

Market was very strong today, especially on the grass. Quality was good across the board. Good hay sold well.


SIZE  LBS    $/Ton   Cut
3x3   53640 187.50 4th
lgrd   45080 185.00
lgrd   46560 175.00 2nd
lgrd   53460 162.50 3rd
lgrd   51880 157.50 3rd
lgrd   51060 155.00
lgrd   50580 147.50 2nd
lgrd   50740 147.50 2nd
lgrd   53180 145.00 2nd
lgrd   47900 145.00
lgrd   44740 145.00
lgrd   44660 145.00 2nd
lgrd   50460 142.50 3rd
lgrd   50200 142.50 2nd
lgrd   45840 137.50 1st
lgrd   50660 137.50
wheat 55700 135.00
lgrd  51240 135.00 3rd
lgrd  42780 135.00 1st
lgrd  44120 130.00
lgrd  48240 127.50 1st
lgrd  40760 125.00 2nd
lgrd  71440 125.00 3rd
lgrd  52220 122.50 3rd


SIZE  LBS      $/Ton
lgrd   51300 175.00
lgrd   46360 172.50
lgrd   44540 170.00
lgrd   22480 170.00
lgrd   51540 167.50
lgrd   49940 160.00
lgrd   50360 160.00
lgrd   44240 160.00
lgrd   44200 160.00
lgrd   36660 157.50
lgrd   50960 157.50
lgrd   34900 157.50
lgrd   49000 157.50
lgrd   51020 157.50
lgrd   58920 155.00
lgrd   44520 150.00
lgrd   52460 145.00
lgrd   60500 145.00
oats   40300 145.00
lgrd                142.50
lgrd   49180 142.50
lgrd               142.50
lgrd   57320 135.00
lgrd   57040 115.00

I was sitting on a bus behind a mother and her young son. Her boy kept looking around and pulling funny faces at me. After a few minutes, I got tired of his antics so I said, *When I was young, my mother told me that if I made an ugly face and the wind changed, that my face would stay that way.*
The little brat replied, *Well, you can*t say you weren*t warned!*

November 26, 2018
36 loads.

Market was called generally steady. Moderate run for a Monday sale. Buyer interest was good today. Quality was lacking.
Remember we have sales every Monday and Thursday through the end of April.


SIZE  LBS    $/Ton
lgrd   43440 52.50
lgrd   44640 52.50
lgrd   44580 50.00
lgrd   40280 50.00
lgrd   50880 47.50
lgrd   49400 47.50


SIZE  LBS      $/Ton
lgrd   51280 140.00


Guy: Doctor, my girlfriend is pregnant, but we always use protection and the rubber never broke. How is this possible?
Dr.: Let me tell you a story. There once was a hunter that carried his gun with him where ever he went. One day he took his umbrella instead of his gun. A lion suddenly jumped out in front of him. In order to scare the lion, he pulled out his umbrella and used it like a gun, shot the lion and then it died!
Guy: Nonsense! Someone else must have shot it!
Dr.: Good, you understood the story. Next patient, please.