Attention: The Hudson bridge will close on March 17th until August. You will need to use an alternate route. We're located at 3110 Eagle Ave in Rock Valley. It is located across the road east of Town & Country Implement. ATTENTION: WE ARE CURRENTLY HAVING MONDAY & THURSDAY AUCTIONS. WE HAVE HAY FOR SALE PRIVATE TREATY ON OUR WEBSITE. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE "HAY FOR SALE" TAB AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE. Rock Valley Hay Auction has been selling hay and straw for over 70 years. We sell on average 4500 loads annually. Let our experience in hay and straw marketing work for you.
Auctions begin @ 12:30p.m. Monday auctions are held November through April in addition to the year round Thursday sale.
Contact our office if interested or have any questions at 712-476-5541.
68 Loads
Market was lower today for both new and old hay. Demand was not very strong. Hay that had moisture in it had little buyer interest and prices reflected that. The quality was generally lower than last week.
”We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.
lgrd 52400 75.00
lgrd 50600 62.50
lgrd 26660 32.50
3x4 52040 95.00-wheat
3x4 49240 82.50
lgrd 38520 85.00
3x4 43860 105.00
lgrd 100.00
3x4 44100 105.00
lgrd 49920 42.50
lgrd 33320 30.00
** Pro Tip: In the event of a tornado or other such natural disasters, place wieners and/or cheese slices in your pockets so the search dogs will find you first.
** Yesterday my husband though he saw a cockroach in the kitchen. He sprayed everything down and cleaned it thoroughly. Today I’m putting the cockroach in the bathroom.
Posted: June 11, 2020 by Manager1
68 Loads
Market was lower today for both new and old hay. Demand was not very strong. Hay that had moisture in it had little buyer interest and prices reflected that. The quality was generally lower than last week.
”We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.
3x3 65540 137.50-new
3x3 54020 135.00-new
3x3 64380 135.00 1st
3x3 43420 132.50 1st-new
3x4 49700 130.00 1st-new
3x4 58980 95.00 1st-new
lgrd 56440 145.00 1st
lgrd 48820 135.00 1st
lgrd 53220 135.00 1st
lgrd 48960 132.50 1st-new
lgrd 52360 130.00 1st
lgrd 56020 125.00 1st
lgrd 34340 110.00 1st
lgrd 57480 102.50 1st-new
lgrd 55760 100.00-new
lgrd 43520 100.00 1st-new
lgrd 49900 97.50 1st-new
lgrd 55820 97.50 1st-new
lgrd 41000 95.00 2nd
lgrd 52460 95.00 3rd
lgrd 52960 90.00-new
lgrd 57820 87.50 1st-new
lgrd 51980 85.00 1st
lgrd 54080 82.50 1st-new
lgrd 48320 80.00 1st-new
lgrd 58260 80.00 1st
lgrd 39460 80.00 1st
lgrd 17760 80.00 1st
lgrd 39380 75.00
lgrd 49400 75.00
lgrd 63740 72.50
lgrd 51480 72.50
lgrd 46510 70.00 2nd
lgrd 54300 67.50 2nd
lgrd 46200 50.00 1st
smsq 8140 67.50
3x4 23140 97.50-new
3x4 20380 62.50
lgrd 22280 125.00-new
lgrd 43020 100.00-new
lgrd 48060 87.50
lgrd 16530 82.50
lgrd 52300 82.50
lgrd 29240 82.50-rye
lgrd 48160 80.00
lgrd 45560 75.00-new
lgrd 49500 75.00
lgrd 48960 70.00
lgrd 40600 70.00
lgrd 44440 70.00
lgrd 47920 67.50
lgrd 31960 62.50
lgrd 33940 57.50-rye
lgrd 39280 12.50
lgrd 40760 10.00-oat
lgrd 44380 10.00
3x4 75.00
** Pro Tip: In the event of a tornado or other such natural disasters, place wieners and/or cheese slices in your pockets so the search dogs will find you first.
** Yesterday my husband though he saw a cockroach in the kitchen. He sprayed everything down and cleaned it thoroughly. Today I’m putting the cockroach in the bathroom.
Posted: June 11, 2020 by Manager1
75 Loads
Good sale today. Buyer attendance was good. New alfalfa that was dry sold good. Some of new alfalfa is the best 1st cutting we have seen in years. If the hay appeared at all wet the buyers stayed away. Old hay was much lower with little demand.
”We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.
3x3 54840 155.00-new
3x3 57780 155.00-new
lgrd 39020 97.50
lgrd 56860 97.50-new
lgrd 53500 62.50-new
3x3 54840 155.00-new
3x3 57780 155.00-new
lgrd 39020 97.50
lgrd 56860 97.50-new
lgrd 53500 62.50-new
lgrd 33280 47.50
lgrd 44100 40.00
lgrd 49700 35.00
**A week ago, my Mother-in-Law started reading, “The Exorcist.” She said it was the most evil book she had ever read. So evil in fact, she couldn’t finish reading it so she took it over to the beach and threw it into the ocean off of a fishing pier. I went and bought another copy, ran it under the faucet and left it in the night table drawer by her bed. If I go missing, you now know why.
Posted: June 4, 2020 by Manager1
75 Loads
Good sale today. Buyer attendance was good. New alfalfa that was dry sold good. Some of new alfalfa is the best 1st cutting we have seen in years. If the hay appeared at all wet the buyers stayed away. Old hay was much lower with little demand.
”We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.
3x3 50520 205.00
3x3 48840 195.00 1st-new
3x3 49000 195.00-new
3x3 48340 190.00 1st-new
3x3 56960 190.00-new
3x3 44300 187.50 1st-new
3x3 45920 177.50 2nd-new
3x3 45200 177.50-new
3x3 55580 175.00 1st-new
3x3 56260 172.50 1st-new
3x3 51740 77.50 1st-new
3x3 51020 55.00 1st-new
3x4 55000 97.50 1st
lgsq 50140 177.50-new
lgrd 52400 140.00 1st-new
lgrd 53580 132.50 1st-new
lgrd 53020 130.00 3rd
lgrd 54220 125.00 1st-new
lgrd 48800 125.00 4th
lgrd 64260 120.00 1st-new
lgrd 63000 115.00 1st
lgrd 59000 110.00 1st-new
lgrd 46180 110.00 2nd
lgrd 18820 105.00
lgrd 18820 105.00
lgrd 68680 100.00 1st-new
lgrd 41480 97.50 2nd
lgrd 59840 97.50 1st-new
lgrd 59060 92.50 1st
lgrd 37640 92.50 1st
lgrd 52460 92.50 3rd
lgrd 61640 90.00-new
lgrd 56920 90.00 2nd
lgrd 52600 90.00 2nd
lgrd 53760 87.50 1st-new
lgrd 52680 80.00 1st
lgrd 61660 77.50
lgrd 45220 77.50 3rd
lgrd 39680 60.00 2nd
3x3 25240 50.00
lgrd 51380 115.00
lgrd 54320 115.00
lgrd 45820 100.00
lgrd 47360 95.00
lgrd 47420 87.50
lgrd 47700 87.50
lgrd 39780 82.50
lgrd 22900 82.50-new
lgrd 43600 77.50
lgrd 52140 77.50
lgrd 54400 75.00
lgrd 12290 75.00-new
lgrd 53400 75.00
lgrd 38420 75.00
lgrd 54360 72.50
lgrd 46940 72.50
lgrd 10840 70.00
lgrd 42680 70.00
lgrd 21660 70.00
lgrd 49920 70.00
lgrd 58100 60.00
lgrd 31080 50.00
**A week ago, my Mother-in-Law started reading, “The Exorcist.” She said it was the most evil book she had ever read. So evil in fact, she couldn’t finish reading it so she took it over to the beach and threw it into the ocean off of a fishing pier. I went and bought another copy, ran it under the faucet and left it in the night table drawer by her bed. If I go missing, you now know why.
Posted: June 4, 2020 by Manager1