We're located at 3110 Eagle Ave in Rock Valley. It is located across the road east of Town & Country Implement. ATTENTION: WE ARE CURRENTLY HAVING MONDAY & THURSDAY AUCTIONS. WE HAVE HAY FOR SALE PRIVATE TREATY ON OUR WEBSITE. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE "HAY FOR SALE" TAB AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE. Rock Valley Hay Auction has been selling hay and straw for over 70 years. We sell on average 4500 loads annually. Let our experience in hay and straw marketing work for you.

Auctions begin @ 12:30p.m. Monday auctions are held November through April in addition to the year round Thursday sale.

Contact our office if interested or have any questions at 712-476-5541.

Monday December 13, 2021
10 Loads

Small sale today, sales were mostly steady.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x4   58420 200.00   







These Farmers got arrested!

Did you hear why the celery farmer got arrested?
For stalking

Did you hear about the hay farmer that got arrested?
He’s out on bail

Did you hear about the root vegetable farmer that got arrested?
He beet up his friend with a potato and didn’t carrot all.

Monday December 13, 2021
10 Loads

Small sale today, sales were mostly steady.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3   50520 227.50 2nd

3x3   54380 212.50 3rd

lgrd  46700 175.00   








3x3   43400 167.50   

3x4   51420 200.00   

lgrd  10200 200.00   

lgrd  43840 185.00   

lgrd  46140 182.50   

lgrd  11620 170.00   

These Farmers got arrested!

Did you hear why the celery farmer got arrested?
For stalking

Did you hear about the hay farmer that got arrested?
He’s out on bail

Did you hear about the root vegetable farmer that got arrested?
He beet up his friend with a potato and didn’t carrot all.

Thursday December 9, 2021
68 Loads

Alfalfa was called generally steady to slightly stronger with decent quality. Grass was steady to weaker on average quality. Bedding sold steadily.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3    2500 245.00   

3x3   47560 195.00   

3x3   47600 180.00   

lgrd  28760 162.50   




3x3   42260  72.50

3x4   43260 130.00

3x4   59400 127.50

3x4   59980 127.50

3x4   48380 117.50



lgrd  40800  57.50

lgrd  41960  55.00

lgrd  42320  55.00

lgrd  41200  50.00

lgrd  44960  50.00

lgrd  36540  50.00

lgrd  40940  47.50

lgrd  38500  47.50

lgrd  43460  42.50

A mild-mannered man was tired of being bossed around by his wife, so he went to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist said he needed to build his self-esteem, so he gave him a book on assertiveness which he read on the way home. He had finished the book by the time he had reached his house. The man stormed into the house and walked up to his wife. Pointing a finger in her face he said, “From now on, I want you to know that I am the man of this house and my word is law! I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I’m finished with my meal, I expect a delicious dessert afterwards. Then,  after dinner, you will draw me my bath so I can relax. When I’m finished with my bath, guess who’s gonna dress me and comb my hair?” “The funeral director,” said his wife.

Thursday December 9, 2021
68 Loads

Alfalfa was called generally steady to slightly stronger with decent quality. Grass was steady to weaker on average quality. Bedding sold steadily.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





3x3   22250 230.00 3rd

3x3   45260 225.00   

3x3   49020 205.00 2nd

3x3   44760 202.50 2nd

3x3   45600 190.00 2nd

3x4   53260 210.00 3rd

lgrd  52880 215.00 2nd

lgrd  49340 215.00 3rd

lgrd  45070 210.00 5th

lgrd  42320 202.50 2nd

lgrd  49020 200.00 2nd

lgrd  49040 200.00 2nd

lgrd  43740 190.00   

lgrd  43310 190.00 2nd

lgrd  46120 190.00   

lgrd  32980 185.00 3rd

lgrd  25460 180.00   

lgrd  28060 180.00 2nd

lgrd  56780 175.00 1st

lgrd  17800 170.00 3rd



3x3   51980 190.00 

3x3   42120 185.00 

3x3   53860 175.00   

3x4   49400 200.00   

3x4   60460 185.00   

lgrd  43360 197.50   

lgrd  13760 197.50

lgrd  51180 190.00   

lgrd  47700 190.00   

lgrd  49020 190.00   

lgrd  51140 187.50   

lgrd  44020 185.00   

lgrd   9420 180.00   

lgrd  51340 180.00   

lgrd  46340 175.00   

lgrd  47900 175.00   

lgrd  46900 175.00   

lgrd  48900 175.00    

lgrd  55820 170.00   

lgrd  23720 165.00   

lgrd  38320 162.50   

lgrd  45980 160.00   

lgrd  19900 157.50   

lgrd  26980 157.50   

lgrd  42800 157.50   

lgrd  35160 155.00   

lgrd  55620 150.00   

lgrd  35240 147.50   

lgrd  16520 145.00   

lgrd  45300 140.00   

A mild-mannered man was tired of being bossed around by his wife, so he went to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist said he needed to build his self-esteem, so he gave him a book on assertiveness which he read on the way home. He had finished the book by the time he had reached his house. The man stormed into the house and walked up to his wife. Pointing a finger in her face he said, “From now on, I want you to know that I am the man of this house and my word is law! I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I’m finished with my meal, I expect a delicious dessert afterwards. Then,  after dinner, you will draw me my bath so I can relax. When I’m finished with my bath, guess who’s gonna dress me and comb my hair?” “The funeral director,” said his wife.