We're located at 3110 Eagle Ave in Rock Valley. It is located across the road east of Town & Country Implement. ATTENTION: WE ARE CURRENTLY HAVING MONDAY & THURSDAY AUCTIONS. WE HAVE HAY FOR SALE PRIVATE TREATY ON OUR WEBSITE. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE "HAY FOR SALE" TAB AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE. Rock Valley Hay Auction has been selling hay and straw for over 70 years. We sell on average 4500 loads annually. Let our experience in hay and straw marketing work for you.
Auctions begin @ 12:30p.m. Monday auctions are held November through April in addition to the year round Thursday sale.
Contact our office if interested or have any questions at 712-476-5541.
Market was called a little stronger today than Thursday’s sale. Quality was decent, but it was a very light test
Our schedule will remain the same through the holidays coming up. We will have sales on both Mondays and Thursday each week.
We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.
lgrd 50320 182.50
3x3 10 2.50
Lgrd 44960 50.00
lgrd 49680 47.50
lgrd 48960 47.50
3x4 4440 135.00
3x4 48940 130.00
3x4 53400 125.00
3x4 57640 125.00
3x4 47000 120.00
~ Someone put this ad in the paper: Mercedes-AMG G63 for sale @ $1. No one believed it could be true, so no one responded but one old man and he went to see the car. The lady actually sold him a Mercedes which had just over 12,000 miles for $1. She handed him the papers and the car keys. Deal done! As the old man was leaving, he said, “I shall die of suspense if you don’t tell me why this car was sold so cheap.” The lady replied, “I am just fulfilling the will of my deceased husband where it is written that the money received from the sale of his Mercedes would go to his “Secretary.” Wives are wives in life, and after death, too.
Posted: December 27, 2021 by Manager1
Market was called a little stronger today than Thursday’s sale. Quality was decent, but it was a very light test
Our schedule will remain the same through the holidays coming up. We will have sales on both Mondays and Thursday each week.
We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.
3x3 53380 217.50 4th
3x3 49720 207.50 3rd
3x4 47180 150.00 1st
lgrd 53200 202.50 3rd
lgrd 39040 90.00
3x4 62220 190.00
lgrd 52280 205.00
lgrd 1320 185.00
lgrd 50000 175.00
lgrd 49740 172.50
lgrd 55240 170.00
lgrd 51080 167.50
lgrd 45540 147.50
~ Someone put this ad in the paper: Mercedes-AMG G63 for sale @ $1. No one believed it could be true, so no one responded but one old man and he went to see the car. The lady actually sold him a Mercedes which had just over 12,000 miles for $1. She handed him the papers and the car keys. Deal done! As the old man was leaving, he said, “I shall die of suspense if you don’t tell me why this car was sold so cheap.” The lady replied, “I am just fulfilling the will of my deceased husband where it is written that the money received from the sale of his Mercedes would go to his “Secretary.” Wives are wives in life, and after death, too.
Posted: December 27, 2021 by Manager1
Market was called steady to lower on good alfalfa especially on large squares. Quality was pretty good. Grass quality was off today and prices reflected such. Bedding sold about steady.
We would like to wish you all a safe and very Merry Christmas!
Our schedule will remain the same through the holidays coming up. We will have sales on both Mondays and Thursday each week.
We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.
3x3 43920 190.00
lgrd 50320 175.00
lgrd 45140 165.00
lgrd 44620 157.50
lgrd 38440 80.00
lgrd 43660 50.00
lgrd 50.00
lgrd 44880 47.50
lgrd 47.50
lgrd 47.50
lgrd 47.50
3X4 125.00
3X4 125.00
3X4 120.00
~ How much does Santa pay to park his sleigh? Nothing, it’s on the house!
~ I asked my wife what she wanted for Christmas, and she said nothing would make her happier than a diamond necklace, so I bought her nothing.
~How does a snowman lose weight? He waits for the weather to get warmer.
Posted: December 23, 2021 by Manager1
Market was called steady to lower on good alfalfa especially on large squares. Quality was pretty good. Grass quality was off today and prices reflected such. Bedding sold about steady.
We would like to wish you all a safe and very Merry Christmas!
Our schedule will remain the same through the holidays coming up. We will have sales on both Mondays and Thursday each week.
We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.
3x3 5740 245.00 3rd
3x3 47880 212.50 3rd
3x3 50600 207.50 3rd
3x3 45860 197.50
3x3 53860 195.00 4th
3x3 42080 190.00 2nd
3x3 42180 175.00 2nd
3x4 51780 182.50 4th
3x4 50860 177.50 4th
lgrd 55040 215.00 4th
lgrd 56380 212.50
lgrd 50320 195.00 3rd
lgrd 52120 195.00 1st
lgrd 33560 192.50 1st
lgrd 58060 192.50 4th
lgrd 46260 190.00 2nd
lgrd 51240 190.00 2nd
lgrd 62120 187.50 3rd
lgrd 47100 185.00 2nd
lgrd 51580 185.00 2nd
lgrd 45580 185.00 2nd
lgrd 62380 185.00 5th
lgrd 51220 185.00 3rd
lgrd 38040 180.00 3rd
lgrd 37480 180.00 3rd
lgrd 49140 180.00 2nd
lgrd 37000 180.00 3rd
lgrd 47280 177.50 3rd
lgrd 29140 177.50 3rd
lgrd 22860 175.00
lgrd 39080 175.00 2nd
lgrd 16600 170.00
smsq 4500 232.50 2nd
3x4 46820 202.50
3x4 48800 200.00
3x4 47140 200.00
lgrd 39620 215.00
lgrd 44880 202.50
lgrd 9680 200.00
lgrd 51160 195.00
lgrd 49840 187.50
lgrd 19840 182.50
lgrd 46700 180.00
lgrd 42260 180.00
lgrd 49480 180.00
lgrd 28920 177.50
lgrd 46740 175.00
lgrd 7920 175.00
lgrd 43820 175.00
lgrd 43860 172.50
lgrd 44220 170.00
lgrd 48780 170.00
lgrd 39440 170.00
lgrd 47480 167.50
lgrd 48280 165.00
lgrd 49040 165.00
lgrd 45280 162.50
lgrd 46460 160.00
lgrd 40560 155.00
lgrd 47720 147.50
lgrd 45060 147.50
lgrd 36840 140.00
lgrd 26780 127.50
lgrd 38140 45.00
~ How much does Santa pay to park his sleigh? Nothing, it’s on the house!
~ I asked my wife what she wanted for Christmas, and she said nothing would make her happier than a diamond necklace, so I bought her nothing.
~How does a snowman lose weight? He waits for the weather to get warmer.
Posted: December 23, 2021 by Manager1