February 7, 2022 Mixed Hay and Bedding

Monday February 7, 2022
46 Loads

Market was called mostly steady with a few signs of weakness- moreso on the grass than the alfalfa. Straw remained steady.

Check out our "Hay for Sale" tab!





3x3   51420 127.50 wheat

3x4   54840 110.00 rye

3x4   52840  60.00

lgrd  33780 122.50 wheat

lgrd  35900 120.00 wheat

lgrd  37220 107.50 wheat




 A blonde walks into a gas station and asks an employee, “I locked my keys in my car. Do you have a coat hanger or something I can stick through the window to unlock the door?” Ten minutes later a trucker comes in and can’t stop laughing, so the employee asks him what’s so funny. The trucker says, “There is a blonde who is trying to open her car door with a hanger.” The employee says, “So what? This could happen to anyone.” But the trucker explains, “Sure, but usually there isn’t another blonde in the car who yells ‘a little more right… a bit to the left!’”