Thursday, January 30, 2014 67 loads. The market was steady! ALFALFA: 17 SIZE LBS $/Ton Cut lgrd 20400 155.00 lgrd 20720 132.50 lgrd 46960 120.00 lgrd 42280 95.00 GRASS: 31 SIZE KIND LBS $/Ton 3×3 straw 32660 95.00 lgrd oatstr 42040 80.00 lgrd straw 32240 75.00 lgrd straw 33000 75.00 lgrd straw 32980 …
Thursday, January 30, 2014 67 loads. The market was steady! ALFALFA: 17 SIZE LBS $/Ton Cut 3×4 59380 180.00 3rd 3×4 53820 140.00 2nd 3×4 40720 135.00 3×3 54340 132.50 3×3 48360 120.00 3rd lgrd 51000 150.00 4th lgrd 43940 150.00 2nd lgrd 37500 145.00 lgrd 49020 145.00 2nd lgrd 4200 140.00 lgrd …
Thursday, December 30th, 2010 Market steady Monday and Thursday sales at 12:30 Alfalfa sold steady, grass weak. MIXED HAY SIZE LBS $/Ton lgrds 15300 97.50 lgrds 15400 97.50 BEDDING SIZE LBS $/Ton 3x3s straw 28.00/72 smsq straw 3.50/315 SOLD BY WEIGHT: lgrds straw 30820 70.00 lgrds …