Thursday February 27, 2020 85 Loads Today’s sale brought decent volume. The market for alfalfa was steady to stronger, grass was steady to weaker on poor quality, and bedding was lower. ——ALFALFA-27—— SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×3   49420 112.50 1st 3×4   49500 152.50 1st 3×4   50220 152.50 2nd 3×4   47260 112.50 lgrd  53980 175.00 …

Monday February 24, 2020 26 Loads   —CORNSTALKS-8— SIZE    LBS  $/TON lgrd  47120  57.50 lgrd  46860  57.50 lgrd  41920  55.00 lgrd  49360  55.00 lgrd  45960  55.00 lgrd  47100  55.00 lgrd  44900  55.00 lgrd  45940  55.00    

Monday February 24, 2020 26 Loads The market today was steady. Quality of alfalfa was poor and grass and cornstalks were steady. ——ALFALFA-5——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×4   51800  80.00 lgrd  54920 105.00 1st lgrd  46220 102.50 2nd lgrd  51000  75.00 3rd lgrd  42900  70.00     ——-GRASS-13——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT lgrd  52000 …

Thursday  February 20, 2020 102 Loads Market was mostly steady today with good buyer attendance. The quality of  hay varied but was better than previous sales.  There was good volume and grass and alfalfa sold steady. MIXED (ALFALFA/GRASS)-6 SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×4   40920 150.00 lgrd  45580 150.00 lgrd  63550 125.00 lgrd  36120 107.50 …

Thursday  February 20, 2020 102 Loads Market was mostly steady today with good buyer attendance. The quality of  hay varied but was better than previous sales.  There was good volume and grass and alfalfa sold steady. ——ALFALFA-31—— SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×3   42300 150.00 3rd 3×3   38340 127.50 3×4    9020 135.00 3×4   48440 132.50 …

Monday February 17, 2020 20 Loads Today’s sale was very small with little interest from buyers and the quality of hay was fair overall. MIXED (ALFALFA/GRASS)-3 SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×4   44260 150.00 1st lgrd  50440  82.50 lgrd  54520  82.50       ——–STRAW-1——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON lgrd  40940 110.00  

Monday February 17, 2020 20 Loads Today’s sale was very small with little interest from buyers and the quality of hay was fair overall. ——ALFALFA-1——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT lgrd  41720  80.00 3rd         ——-GRASS-15——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×3   47440 145.00-Mixed 3×3   46680  70.00-Oats lgrd  44640 107.50 lgrd  37540  92.50 …

Thursday February 13, 2020 69 Loads Market was mostly steady today. Some areas were stronger.Quality varied. We had good buyer attendance in spite of the cold. —–CORNSTALKS-9—– SIZE    LBS  $/TON lgrd  53720  65.00 lgrd  51560  62.50 lgrd  13300  62.50 lgrd  23660  62.50 lgrd  46760  60.00 lgrd  47280  60.00 lgrd  47520  60.00 lgrd  31100  60.00 …

Thursday 2-13-2020 69 Loads Market was mostly steady today. Some areas were stronger.Quality varied. We had good buyer attendance in spite of the cold.   ——ALFALFA-21—— SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×3   44240 170.00 3×3   37940 125.00 lgrd  54220 175.00 4th lgrd  64340 165.00 3rd lgrd  35780 150.00 2nd lgrd  54520 145.00 2nd lgrd  56600 …

Monday February 10, 2020 28 Loads The market for today’s sale was generally steady with a lighter volume.  The quality varied, generally being on the lower side, and bedding was steady. MIXED (ALFALFA/GRASS)-2 SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×3   47600 160.00 lgrd  52220 100.00 ——–STRAW-3——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON 3×4   43260 140.00 lgrd  39720 110.00 lgrd  …