Monday  March 16, 2020 18 Loads ——ALFALFA-3——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×4    8660 130.00 lgrd  43440 115.00 3rd lgrd               120.00 ——–GRASS-9——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×4   53540 110.00 3×4   40320  60.00-Oat 3×4   43300  60.00-Oat lgrd  37800 100.00 lgrd  10540 100.00 lgrd  37580  92.50 lgrd  19180  90.00 lgrd  51400  85.00 lgrd  40620  30.00-Sudan Grass

Monday  March 16, 2020 18 Loads Small sale today, not enough to test.  It was generally weaker today as well.  **Hay Day will be April 2, 2020 MIXED (ALFALFA/GRASS)-3 SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×4   47760  92.50 lgrd  42760 110.00 lgrd  51860  80.00 ——–STRAW-1——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON lgrd  41300 100.00   —–CORNSTALKS-2—– SIZE    LBS  $/TON …

Thursday  March 12, 2020 60 Loads The market for today’s sale was light but stronger than it was.  Quality and demand were also better than the last 2 sales but still lacking.    **Hay Day is April 2, 2020 ——ALFALFA-19—— SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×3   42280 150.00 3×3   41100 120.00 2nd 3×3   47660 110.00 1st …

Thursday  March 12, 2020 60 Loads The market for today’s sale was light but stronger than it was.  Quality and demand were also better than the last 2 sales but still lacking.    **Hay Day is April 2, 2020 MIXED (ALFALFA/GRASS)-8 SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×3   50080 172.50 3×3   46220  72.50 3×3   45680  55.00 3×4   …

Monday March 9, 2020 22 Loads   MIXED (ALFALFA/GRASS)-3 SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT lgrd  45880 165.00 3rd lgrd  43180  90.00 lgrd  55060  85.00 —-CORNSTALKS-1—- SIZE    LBS  $/TON lgrd  42640  35.00

Monday March 9, 2020 22 Loads Lighter volume with little buyer interest and a weaker market for today’s sale. Hay Day will be April 2, 2020 ——ALFALFA-12—— SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×3   43940  87.50 3×4   46740  80.00 1st 3×4   49560  77.50 1st lgrd  50320 155.00 3rd lgrd  44880 140.00 2nd lgrd  38800 100.00 lgrd  …

Thursday March 5, 2020 83 Loads Today’s sale brought good volume and was definitely a buyer’s market.  The quality of hay varied a lot along with the price.  The general market was lower with the exception of alfalfa being better. Demand was lighter on other grades of hay.  **Hay Day is April 2, 2020

Thursday March 5, 2020 83 Loads **Hay Day is April 2, 2020 MIXED (ALFALFA/GRASS)-7 SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×3   42660 170.00 3×3   41520  67.50 lgrd  45940 142.50 2nd lgrd  62300 130.00 lgrd  52440 112.50 lgrd  62820  92.50 lgrd  53640  80.00 ——–STRAW-3——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON 3×3   42860  77.50 lgrd  48680  70.00 orchard lgrd  51140  52.50 …

Monday March 2, 2020 23 Loads Market was steady today on light tests. ** Hay Day is April 2, 2020 ——ALFALFA-3——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×4   57100 130.00 lgrd  56360 117.50 lgrd  57400  55.00    (Oats Hay) lgrd  42260   125.00 lgrd                 120.00 ——-GRASS-12——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT lgrd  …

Thursday February 27, 2020 85 Loads   MIXED (ALFALFA/GRASS)-7 SIZE    LBS  $/TON CUT 3×3   38060 135.00 2nd-Alfalfa/Orchard 3×3   39360  80.00 3×3   42840  67.50 3×4   57080 130.00 3×4   54260  75.00 lgrd  51700 105.00 lgrd  49780  65.00 ——–STRAW-4——- SIZE    LBS  $/TON 3×4   39720  85.00 lgrd  36100 100.00 lgrd  45080  50.00-Bean 3×4    2160  85.00   —-CORNSTALKS-9—– SIZE    …