Monday April 29, 2019 23 loads. Market was about steady. Quality was a bit slacking today. MONDAY SALES WILL RESUME IN NOVEMBER! Alfalfa: 9 SIZE LBS $/TON CUT lgrd 59660 162.50 3rd lgrd 46580 155.00 1st lgrd 56180 155.00 2nd lgrd 49140 150.00 2nd lgrd 48000 145.00 2nd lgrd 53380 140.00 1st lgrd …
Thursday April 25, 2019 71 loads. Market was called steady to slightly lower today. MONDAY SALES CONTINUE THROUGH THE END OF THIS MONTH!! 1 MONDAY SALE LEFT!! Alfalfa: 35 SIZE LBS $/TON CUT 3×3 47460 255.00 3rd 3×3 50200 200.00 3rd 3×4 36600 175.00 5th 3×4 54800 170.00 2nd 3×4 56700 137.50 lgrd …
Monday April 22, 2019 24 loads. Market was called steady to slightly lower on this rainy day. 1 MONDAY SALE REMAINING!! Alfalfa: 7 SIZE LBS $/TON CUT 3×4 43180 175.00 5th lgrd 4860 175.00 lgrd 51400 162.50 lgrd 48800 162.50 2nd lgrd 51500 162.50 2nd lgrd 50140 135.00 lgrd 30380 125.00 1st GRASS: …
Thursday April 18, 2019 53 loads. All classes sold steady to strong today. Prices varied a lot due to quality. Happy Easter! MONDAY SALES CONTINUE THROUGH THE END OF THIS MONTH!! 2 MONDAY SALES LEFT!! Alfalfa: 22 SIZE LBS $/TON CUT 3×3 52700 240.00 1st 3×3 50260 240.00 1st 3×3 49560 220.00 3rd …
Monday April 15, 2019 35 loads. Alfalfa sold very well today with lots of buyer interest. Quality varied, and prices reflected that. Grass sold a little stronger with pretty good buyer interest. Quality varied a lot. Bedding sold weak, but cornstalks remained steady. 2 MONDAY SALES REMAINING!! Alfalfa: 15 SIZE LBS $/TON CUT …
Thursday April 11, 2019 38 loads. This was the darkest sale we’ve ever hosted! (We were without power) The sale was very much weather affected today. Market was steady to weak with limited transactions. MONDAY SALES CONTINUE THROUGH THE END OF THIS MONTH!! 3 MONDAY SALES LEFT!! Alfalfa: 15 SIZE LBS $/TON CUT …
Monday April 8, 2019 16 loads. Market was called steady on a very light test today. REMEMBER: WE HAVE 3 MONDAY SALES LEFT! Alfalfa: 7 SIZE LBS $/TON CUT 3×3 13860 185.00 3rd lgrd 59840 160.00 2nd lgrd 51820 145.00 2nd lgrd 55760 145.00 3rd lgrd 27820 127.50 3rd lgrd 56980 127.50 3rd …
Thursday April 4, 2019 67 loads. MONDAY SALES CONTINUE THROUGH THE END OF THIS MONTH!! 4 MONDAY SALES LEFT!! Better quality hay sold steady. Mid-range and poorer quality sold a little lower. Bedding was sharply lower today. Alfalfa: 35 SIZE LBS $/TON CUT ——ALFALFA-35—— SIZE LBS $/TON CUT smsq 4600 210.00 3×3 49940 …
Monday April 1, 2019 21 loads. Market was called strong today. Quality was pretty low. Stalks sold a little weaker. REMEMBER: WE HAVE 4 MONDAY SALES LEFT! Alfalfa: 3 SIZE LBS $/TON CUT 3×3 12240 185.00 lgrd 51580 177.50 1st lgrd 53560 145.00 1st GRASS: 11 SIZE LBS $/TON 3×3 7900 40.00 –damaged …
Thursday March 28, 2019 94 loads. HAY DAY was today! Thank you for coming out to help us celebrate. We would not have a successful celebration without all of you! We had great buyer attendance and they were enthusiastic! Quality was much better today and the prices reflect accordingly. We had great participation in …