October 7, 2021 Mixed Hay and Bedding

Thursday October 7, 2021

62 Loads

Market was called steady to strong on all classes of hay. We were short on alfalfa supply, but there is a good demand for it. Grass sold stronger on pretty good volume. REMINDER: We will be resuming our Monday sales on November 1st.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





lgrd  43240  70.00   




3x4   48400 137.50

3x4   39320  75.00

lgrd  43040 132.50

lgrd  44860 132.50

--Cornstalks- 8--- 


lgrd  42000  52.50

lgrd  42000  47.50

lgrd  43720  47.50

lgrd  43000  47.50

lgrd  44900  45.00

lgrd  42260  45.00

lgrd  48060  45.00

lgrd  42140  42.50


A woman with a salad walked past me in the restaurant and said “You know a cow died so you could eat that beefburger.” I said, “If you weren’t eating its food, it might have lived.”