Mixed Hay & Bedding Results 9-5-24

Rock Valley Hay Report

Thursday September 5, 2024

76 Loads

The alfalfa sold uneven but generally steady. The quality was only about average on most loads. The grass quality was largely average at best and sold steadily to stronger, with the buyers very picky on quality. The crowd size was good, and we had a nice sale at our new location. Thank you all for your patience with us over the last two and half months.

The Rock Valley Hay Auction CO. is happy to announce that our new location is at 3110 Eagle Ave Rock Valley, IA.




lgrd  42100  50.00


3x3   46960 115.00 3rd

3x3   44580 105.00 3rd

3x4   32460 100.00   

lgrd  53280  95.00 3rd

lgrd  53460  92.50   


3x4   35980 112.50 WHEAT

3x4   46180  75.00 WHEAT

lgrd  32860 125.00 WHEAT

lgrd  33840 112.50 WHEAT

lgrd  32540 112.50 WHEAT

lgrd  34200 110.00 WHEAT

lgrd  34980 110.00 WHEAT

lgrd  38940  67.50 OAT

A man, his wife & mother-in-law took a trip to the Holy Land. While there, the mother-in-law died... The undertaker said you can have her shipped home for $5,000 or you can bury her here for only $150. The man thought about it & decided to ship her home. The undertaker asked why he wouldn’t save money and bury her there. The man replied, “a man died here 2,000 years ago & 3 days later he arose from the dead. I can’t take that kind of chance!”