7-30-2020 Mixed Hay & Bedding

Thursday July 30, 2020

80 Loads 

Almost an all new crop for today’s sale.  Quality was average.  Alfalfa sold steady and grass sold steady to weaker.  Bedding was a little lower.

We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.





lgrd  56980 137.50   

lgrd  15280  82.50   

lgrd  42580  77.50   

lgrd  40380  72.50 1st



3x4   49480 102.50

lgrd  31260  90.00-Wheat

lgrd  49360  67.50-Oats

lgrd  48320  67.50-Oats

lgrd  50360  67.50-Oats

lgrd  42120  67.50-Oats

lgrd  35820  67.50-Oats

3x4  50260  65.00-Wheat (old)




lgrd  41740  42.50

lgrd  44020  40.00

lgrd  43200  40.00

lgrd  39240  40.00

lgrd  41580  40.00

lgrd  40480  37.50

lgrd  37900  37.50

lgrd  44220  35.00

lgrd  45960  35.00

**5 Ways for a man to be completely happy:
1. Be with a woman who makes you laugh
2. Be with a woman who gives you her time
3. Be with a woman who takes care of you
4. Be with a woman who really loves you
5. Finally, make sure that these four women don’t know each other!