Posted: July 16, 2020 by Manager1
91 Loads
Heavy volume with a steady market for today’s sale. Quality was generally pretty good. There was limited interest in straw and cornstalks were weaker. Buyer interest was average.
We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.
lgrd 36760 95.00
lgrd 46120 77.50
lgrd 14940 62.50
lgrd 37420 92.50-New
lgrd 37760 92.50-New
lgrd 35380 90.00-New
lgrd 36180 90.00-New
lgrd 35160 90.00-New
lgrd 35240 85.00-New
lgrd 34600 85.00-New
lgrd 40980 80.00-New wheat
lgrd 36500 72.50-New
lgrd 36620 70.00-New wheat
lgrd 39560 67.50-New
lgrd 53010 37.50
lgrd 44700 37.50
lgrd 49920 37.50
lgrd 42020 35.00
lgrd 46780 35.00
lgrd 38320 35.00
lgrd 48700 35.00
lgrd 34940 35.00
lgrd 40740 35.00
**Shortly after take off the pilot said “Thank you for flying with us this morning. The weather is…” Then suddenly, while still on the mic, he starts screaming, “Oh my God, oh my God it’s burning!” A ghostly silence reigned. He gets back on the microphone and says, “I sincerely apologize for the incident, but I just dropped a very hot cup of coffee on my lap… You should see my pants!” One passenger shouts back, “Why don’t you come here and see ours!”
Category: Mixed Hay & Bedding Results