6-11-2020 Mixed Hay & Bedding

Thursday June 11, 2020

68 Loads 

Market was lower today for both new and old hay.  Demand was not very strong.  Hay that had moisture in it had little buyer interest and prices reflected that.  The quality was generally lower than last week. 

”We now have the option available for you to buy select loads of hay through our website. The loads can be viewed on our website under the “Hay for Sale” tab.



lgrd  52400  75.00   

lgrd  50600  62.50   

lgrd  26660  32.50   



3x4   52040  95.00-wheat

3x4   49240  82.50

lgrd  38520  85.00

3x4  43860 105.00

lgrd             100.00

3x4 44100 105.00







lgrd  49920  42.50

lgrd  33320  30.00


 ** Pro Tip: In the event of a tornado or other such natural disasters, place wieners and/or cheese slices in your pockets so the search dogs will find you first.

** Yesterday my husband though he saw a cockroach in the kitchen. He sprayed everything down and cleaned it thoroughly. Today I’m putting the cockroach in the bathroom.